Chapter 23: Broken

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× I have never cried so much writing a chapter. Holly shuck! ×

My body jolted and I sat bolt up, my eyes wide. My heart slammed against my ribs. Utterly confused I twisted around trying to figure out what was going on.

Frypan and Winston were wrestling with each other.

"Winston, what are you doing, man?"

"Stop!" I screamed. I dove towards them I ripped Frypan off, giving him an aggressive shove away from Winston. Aris and Minho grabbed onto him. Teresa and Thomas came running. Jeff threw himself onto the ground beside me.

"Give me that!" Winston wheezed, he reached feebly for something in Frypan's hand. I looked around to Fry, he was clutching a gun. My gun.

"What's going on?" Thomas cried, pushing through

"What happened?" Newt asked, kneeling down.

"...! Please...." I whispered horrified, putting the pieces together.

He turned his desperate pain filled eyes onto me. He just looked at me, silently begging while everyone yelled and shouted around me. My world came crashing down. Noise ceased, movement froze and all colours faded. It was just Winston and his big sad brown eyes pleading for me to understand. My hands grew cold, my stomach dropped and my mouth went dry.

"I don't know!" Frypan cried. "He just woke up and grabbed the gun from Jessie's bag, and then he tried to..."

Everything came crashing back. All the noise of everyone yelling, Winston's panting, my slight hyperventilating. It felt like someone slammed a bat against my head. The ground under me tilted, making my stomach turn. Winston ripped his eyes from me and over to Frypan. He reached a shaking hand out to Frypan, reaching for the gun. Frypan held it closer to his chest.

"Give it back, please." Winston wheezed.

He rolled over, got shakily to his hands and knees and coughed. He caught so hard he threw up. But it wasn't just water and stomach bike. Fresh blood and something thick sticky and black came up. It made me gage just seeing it.

Forcing it all back down I layed a hand on Winston's back. He wiped his mouth on the back of a shaking hand. He collapsed again, back down into the sand. One of my shaking hands held his face and smoothed his hair away from his forehead. The other held his hand tight in mine and I held it close to my chest, clinging to him. I had nothing else to do. I could feel his body burning from the inside.

"Winston, are you okay?" Thomas asked.

Anger and frustration rose inside of my. I twisted around ready to rage at Thomas when Winston placed his clammy hand on mine. I whipped back around to him. Panic took over the anger.

"'s growing...Inside me.... something wrong."

He pulled his shirt up. The blood soaked bandages were covered in the black stuff from the Cranks, there was puss and other major signs of infection. I choked on a sob. Shaking my head. I didn't want to believe it.

"I'm not gonna make it."

"! Winnie! No...." I pleaded, my voice shaking and cracking. Fresh tears formed in my eyes and my chin shook. I closed my eyes and shoved the emotions down. Or tried to. I wasn't going to cry. Not yet.

"Please. JayJay... please don't let me turn into one of those things."

I was taking ragged gasping breaths, my breathing was just as horrible as Winston's. He turned to look at me.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now