Chapter 29: Plan B

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Minho was smirking at me as I stood up.

"Always do bloody dramatic!" Newt huffed.

"Took ya long enough!" Jason grinned.

"How long were you up there?" Frypan asked.

"Long enough. You guys need to stop hanging out and get yourselves out of this mess."

"How?" Thomas huffed, "were tied upside down in the middle of a pit of doom?"

"Jorge gave you the biggest clue in the world. Come on you idiot, think." I raised an eye brow and crossed my arms.

"You're seriously not going to help?"

I sauntered over to the pulley system and leaned on it. Crossing my ankles and arms across my chest.

"If I did everything for you, how would you ever learn my dear Idiot?"

Thomas was frowning and his eyes were flicking back and forth between me and the pulley system. Minho was eye me up, his eyebrows pulled together. Thomas got it right before Minho. Thomas capped his hands, his face lighting up.

"I got it! Minho...if you can push Teresa over to the lever... Get yourself untieed and then lower us so we can get out."

"Ahh. There's that brilliance." I said dryly.

"Why can't you just lower us?" Jason asked.

"Oh, like this?" I asked, standing up straight, and pushed the leaver down, making them all drop a few feet, making them all scream. I threw my head back laughing.

"That was not very nice!" Jason pouted.

"Dude, when am I ever nice?" I rolled my eyes. "Now just push Tess over here."

"Ok, ready?" Thomas asked. Teresa and Thomas were close enough to grab each other's hands. Thomas pulled her closer and held her ready to push towards Minho.

"Yes." She she nodded.

"Minho, ready?"

"Yeah." He nodded, arms out, ready to catch her. Thomas gave Tess a shove in Minho's direction.

"Gotcha." He caught her in a hug. He turned her around so she was facing me and the lever.

"Okay. One, two, here we go." Minho took a deep breath, bracing.

Teresa nodded.


And with a grunt he pushed her. She swung towards me, I reached out...but she was about a foot too far and swung back towards the middle of the pit.

"Oh, shuck." Frypan muttered.

"Come on, Minho. Push her harder!" Newt called.

"That's what she said."

"Seriously? You think I'm not? You get struck by shuck lightning, then hang upside down for who knows how long. Jeez, you bunch of slint heads." Minho snapped.

He got Teresa back into position and pushed her again.

"Shuck it!"

"Teresa, hurry!" Thomas called. I looked at Minho, and held a hand out to Thomas.

"Seriously, what is with Captain Obvious? Like what would we ever do without his input?" I asked Minho seriously.

Minho shrugged. "We'd probably not ever know what's going on. We wouldn't know when the situation calls for urgency. Or when to run."

"Very true. Glad we keep him around."


"Definitely the time." Minho shrugged.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now