Chapter 35: Sneaking Around

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I threw my head back and laughed. I suddenly winced and groaned. Clamping a hand over my side, and hunched over. Auntie Ann placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Careful don't want to hurt yourself more, now do we we we?"

I shook my head for a second, as the pain cleared I stood up. And looked around the room again. Three full walls were covered in shelves of all kinds of weapons. Guns, knives, bows and arrows, throwing stars, all kinds of garrotes there were weapons belts. Anything an assassin could dream of. The other wall had all kinds of different cloaks and hoods, masks and gloves.

"Now we're talking." I grinned.

"'s quite satisfying...we can now hunt hunt hunt all the bad hunters."

"Yes. Yes we will." I nodded solumly. "Are you sure you won't come?"

Auntie Ann shook her head, her eyes down on the floor. She shuddered and took a deep breath.

"I won't leave you behind Auntie Ann. If you're in danger I'll-"

"No no no. Not me. Danger isn't coming for me. It's you. She is acting odd. Very very very odd. You must not trust her. I do not trust her right now. But...she is my sister. She is my twin."

"Did Auntie Em see me as a baby? Or did my parents come see Em?"

She shook her head. I frowned and pulled my eyebrows together. Trying to figure out what was going on. My parents trusted Ann, the woman whose brain was damaged beyond repair but not her twin, who was also in the program and escaped with her full mind."

"Is Em infected?" I asked slowly.

"I haven't seen seen the animal crank in her yet. No no no... No black spider veins, no anger, no memory loss, no increased appetite or increased sleep." She shook her head with each thing she listed. "But no need to be ready ready ready." She turned to face the wall of clothing and accessories. She looked me up and down and cocked her head and then the most mischievous, evil smile formed on her face.

"Little Missy is gonna look like Mama and make Him pay pay pay!"

"Fuck ya!"

She held her hand up and I gave her a high five.


I slid the last knife into the holster on my thigh and stood up and held my arms out. She smiled at me.

"Beautiful. Just like Mama."

"And Auntie Ann." I said quietly. "Thank you."

She cupped my cheek. The smile faded and she looked at me with sadness and worry.

"You know everything I know know knew. You must go now."

"Please. Auntie, come with me!" I begged quietly. I raised a gloved hand and pressed the hand that was pressed to my cheek even closer. I craved  a mothers touch and this was as close as I was going to get. My mother's confidant and the closest thing she had to a best friend. 

"I must not not not. Not yet." She shook her head. "Tarzan will get you to where you need and maybe you can get more clues clues clues."

I bit down on my lip.

"No no no. Mama's Missy doesn't need to worry about old Auntie Ann. She's a tough tough hard cookie." She gave me a reassuring smile. Her eyes held slight trepidation though. 

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie Seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن