Chapter 16: Sandy Council Meetings

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The Gladers froze. Heads turning between me, the noise behind me and where Teresa and Thomas had disappeared. I growled in frustration. And then waved my hands to shoo them on.

"Might as well follow the shucken idiot."

I shoved through everyone and slid down the sand, stopping with difficulty at the entrance of some kind of whole. I crouched down and peered inside. It was dark, but there was no wind, it would be a good place to regroup and figure out what was going on. I could hear Teresa and Thomas's voices. I looked back up to everyone. Shielding my eyes from the wind and sand I called for them to go down.

"Just be careful. Go. Come on. After the idiot. Wait at the bottom."

Once everyone was inside, Minho had just disappeared when I slid down after them. We all slid down and came to a stop at the bottom of a huge sand pile. I shrugged my backpack off and pulled a flashlight out. Flicking it on I let the narrow beam shine around.

"Where the hell are we?" Frypan asked.

"Dunno man." Jason shrugged looking around.

"It's kinda spooky. Winston, hold my hand." Minho said.

"Dude no." Winston rolled his eyes. "Hold your girlfriends hand. She's scarier then anything your gonna find here."

"Facts." I nodded, "thank you Winnie." I said absolutely looking around.

It looked like we were on the bottom floor of some kind of huge building. There were three or four levels, full of smaller abandoned stores. Everything was covered in a thick layer of sand. There were broken windows and doors, chains and locks on most places, graphite on every inch of wall. But at the moment it seemed empty.

"Okay, come on." Thomas frantic yelling made me flinch. It was so quiet in this place. There was a tense silence in here, like a loud noise would snap the sleepy abandoned feel.

"Let's go. Let's go! Come on!"

"Thomas! What's going on?" Teresa cried.

"We gotta go!" He ignored her please and continued to call everyone and took some frantic steps away.

"Thomas." I barked. My eyes flashed. He stilled. "Stop for one minute-"

"No! We need to keep going! Get as far away as possible!"

"Thomas! Enough!" I snapped.

"We gotta keep moving!

"Shut up and listen, you absolute shucken idiot! I'm so close to just knocking you out! A panicked plan never works. So Slim it and listen!" My voice was low and very dangerous.

He looked like he was going to argue, but Newt stepped in. "What happened? What did you see?"

"Time for a gathering. Everyone sit your shuck asses down." Minho demanded, folding his arms. The matter was settled, everyone sat in a circle.

"Okay. We have three maybe four stories we need to sort out." Minho took control of the meeting. "Thomas, Aris we need your story, Jess we need your story, and Tess, we need your story. And possibly Aris your maze story. So first off. Thomas what the hell did you find?"

While Minho was getting everyone situated I pulled the first aid kit out and Jeff started to clean me up, with my permission first.

"Okay. Spill it Tommy. What the bloody hell happened?"

"It's WICKED. It's WICKED." He said still slightly panicked. "They lied to us."

"We never escaped." Aris added.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now