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Colin POV.

It's been three months since Melody got sick since she went rogue, which means that she'll never turn to normal, she'd never shift back, she's going to stay in her wolf form forever, losing her mind, until she becomes a wolf, she'd live with real wolves out in the wild, maybe she'd be with someone else she likes, maybe then she'd live a happy life.

We're back to going to work, and college, the vampires have sent us, well they sent her, an apology letter, the lord got his ass chewed by the rest of the lords for almost ruining their relationship with my alpha, and her company, the moon and howl are the biggest maker of artificial blood for them.
Now that there's no more threat over our heads we could go back to our normal lives, or as normal as they could be, and today happened to be my day off, I'm going to check on my bestie Bambi, her work has gotten better lately, she even mentioned taking some online classes to fill on some of the free time she got.

"Mommy, would Peter drive me?" I asked her, it's my say off, but it also happened to be my birthday, I asked for this specific day to be my day off since I wanted to spend it with Bambi, we always spend our birthdays together.
"Yes, he will, you want to spend the night or come back?" she asks me, we've been cutting my days off in two, I'd spend one full day with Bambi and come back to sleep in Thalia's arms. She said what I felt was a sub drop, it's the depression I feel whenever I feel left out, or hurt, and being away from her, that hurt me so badly.

"I'm coming back," I say, sometimes I wish that Bambi could come over for the day instead, what if she stays with me in the big castle/mansion/house that belongs to alpha Thalia. But this wasn't my house, I couldn't ask for that or have any sleepovers here, it's my workspace.
"Okay honey, I'll let Peter know," mommy says, even with the threat of our heads she doesn't like to keep me without protection, she always worries something bad would happen to me, but we're safe, I always assure her that I'm.

"Bye!" I say excited as I sat in the car with Peter, he drove me back to the human districts, back to Bambi's house, we text most days now that we both have phones, she knew I'm coming.
"You look excited," Peter comments.
"Bambi promised me ice cream!" I say happily, Bambi promises me lots of things every time I go back home to check on her, I'm her only friend, and being away from her for so long makes her feel lonely.

"You told your mommy about the ice cream?" he asks me, I rolled my eyes, it's my day off, I'm not going to drink any alcohol, she got no reason to come over and spank my ass, a sugar rush in Bambi's place isn't that bad.
"Yes, yes, I told her," I assured him, she knows every time I come over we have a ton of sweets.
"Good, take care Colin, I'll see you tonight," Peter says, parking the car, I thanked him for the drive and got out of the car running toward Bambi's place.

She knew I was coming, the door was open for me, I got in the house yelling her name, a full month had passed, I missed her so much, she came running toward me, jumping into my arms hugging me tightly.
"I missed you so much!" she says, cutting off my oxygen.
"Can't breathe," I remind my friend that I need oxygen to survive, even the alpha wolf doesn't hug me this tight.

"Oops, sorry," she says letting me go, letting me breathe again, I pushed her away a little, she was dressed and ready for the day, not in her super short clothes, but in a cute spring dress with a cardigan over it.
"You look pretty," I tell her, making her smile.
"Haven't heard that in a while," she says making me roll my eyes, I'm pretty sure her dates tell her that all the time.

"What do you wanna do?" I ask her, we need to get some ice cream if we want to get a sugar high soon.
"Let's go out, it's your birthday!" she reminds me.
"I'm not going to drink out with you again," I inform her, after last time, I'll never go out to drink without mommy again.
"Not drink, let's go to the common district, we can go to the mall and watch," she says, I nod, sure why not.

"Okay, we can do more than watching, I got money, I'll buy you things!" I tell her, we're not as poor as we used to be anymore.
"Even better! Let's go, we need to celebrate you!" she says making me giggle, sure, let's go celebrate me.

We left the house, only to find Peter waiting outside, I looked at him confused, why haven't he left yet? We both got toward the car, I knocked on the window until he rolled his window down.
"Why are you still here?" I ask him confused.
"Alpha's order, you going somewhere?" He asks me, I rolled my eyes at mommy's order, why is she being such a worry-cat about me?

"Can you drive us to the mall?" I aks him, if he was staying, he could drive us, better than taking the bus.
"Get in," he says, we both got to sit in the back of the car.
"We got our personal driver! on your big day," Bambi says making me giggle out loud while Peter cleared his throat, trying to get us to behave, but he had two best friends in his car, what did he expect.

"The mall, now out, both of you," Peter ordered when we arrived, it was one long annoying drive for him, we spent it talking, and giggling about things, just random topics.
"Thank you, Peter!" I thank him with a giggle, I held hands with Bambi and ran inside the mall, our first stop was the ice cream shop!

"There's this shop you're going to love!" Bambi says after we finished our ice cream.
"What shop?" I ask her, does she comes to the mall without me often?
"This one!" she says, it's called 'Littles boutique', and from what I could see, it held things related to cgl, I looked at Bambi with a raised brow.
"Hey don't blame me, I got curious," she says dragging me in.

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