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Colin POV.

Peter started to drive us back toward the human district, toward my home, I also got a phone, I wonder if the alpha would allow me to keep the phone, I can use it to call Bambi and check on her, even while I'm here with her.
"Are you excited?" Peter asks me, I was really excited about seeing my friend.
"I miss my friend, she's like a sister for me," I explain to him why I'm so excited.

"Well then, I hope you'd enjoy, this is you," Peter says, I had phone, money, a bag filled with clean new clothes, and a few protection that we won't mention, and I'm back home!
I didn't go to my house, I went to Bambi's place first, since I've been gone for a while, her house key isn't on me right now, it stayed back at my house, it wasn't on me the day of the attack. I started to knock waiting for her to wake up, I kept on knocking, if she's asleep, I need to throw a whole on canon next to her to wake her up.

"Coming! You bitch! I have my gun!" Bambi yells from inside as I kept on knocking the door, until she finally made it and opened the door for me, I saw my friend in all her glory, well not so much of a glory as she's dressed in her oversized hoodie, hiding her face, I could see some hair coming down underneath the hood, and no pants, typical Bambi.

"Oh, please dear miss Bambi, don't kill me," I tease her, when she saw it's me on the door, she jumped up and gave me a big hug, making me stumble back, I'm not that strong to pick her up, I've been carried and babied for the last month, not out there working out.
"Where have you been bitch!" she asks me, but she knew exactly where I've been, she's the one who encouraged me to do it.

"You know where I've been," I say, she just rolls her eyes at me or at least that's what I think she did, I could hardly see her face, we got inside her house and went straight to her bedroom, it's the only place that we sit at, the only comfortable place in this house.
"So how things been?" she says sitting crossing her legs over the bed, keeping the hoodie on.
"They've been okay, I have a lot to tell you, what's up with the hoodie?" I ask her, why is she keeping it up?

"Nothing, I'm just sleepy, I look like hell," she says, but I've seen her sleepy, tired, sick, I've seen it all.
"Come on for real, loose the hood," I order her, but she shake her head no, having enough with her, I took the hood off her face, seeing a big bruise on her left cheek.

"What happened there?" I ask her worried, what happened!
"Nothing, I fell," she answers me, but the bruise didn't look to be like she have fallen, it looks like someone took their fist to her face.
"No, you haven't what happened? Was it one of your clients?" I ask her, it must be that, why else would she have a bad bruise.

"No, none of my client would hit me, they'd be black listed for it," she tells me, but that doesn't explain why she have the bruise now.
"Then what happened Bambi! I need to know!" I demand, I'm not letting her go unless she tells me what happened.
"It was the black market, that's all," she says, the black market is a bad place, with me not being there with her, she must be going there on her own.

"Bambi," I say tears starting to fall down my face, as I went in to hug her, my poor bestie, she have to go to the market alone.
"Hey, it's okay, it's okay, don't cry, tell me more about you, you're dressed nicely," she says looking at me, she's right, I got mommy Thalia's clothes on and not my worn out clothes.

"I'm good, she's the best," I say talking about her, but Bambi wanted to know some more of course, can't we go back to talking about her bruise?
"Tell me more, how's the sex?" she ask, yup, she's going to ask about that right away, but I don't want to mention sex, I don't have sex wiht her.
"We don't do sex," I say but my bestie would never believe that.

"No way, you must do something? Oral? does she do you back in the b..." she says but I place both hands on her mouth shutting her up.
"Bambi, I'm her little, she doesn't have sex with me," I assure her, this time she does stop, her mouth opened in an o shape.
"A little? Littles are cute," she says but she attacks me again, I wasn't ready for her attack or what she's trying to see, she had her hands on my waist, while her whole body was sitting on top of mine.

"She got you all diapered little boy? Ah you'd make a sweet baby! I love babies," she says cooing at me, but how does she know everything!
"How do you know?" I ask her raising a brow at Bambi, she never mentioned littles in front of me before, only submissives.
"I told you I saw people who belong to alphas before, they are spoiled," she says, but I doubted she had more to share.

"Nothing else Bambi?" I ask her trying to sound tough, as tough as I'm able to sound with her sitting on top of me.
"Well, I might have been a little for a day or two to one of my clients," she says.
"Why you never told me!" I ask pushing her off me this time, able to sit up finally.

"You never want to know about my clients and you shouldn't" she says but that wasn't an explanation she just didn't want to share.
"Did you like it?" I ask her.
"Maybe...but not our topic! we need to go out tonight! I haven't seen you in a full month!" she says clapping her hands happy about the idea of me coming back.

"Fine, but I'm not letting this go," I warn her, I'm going to grill her love this just later.
"Whatever Colin you don't scare me little boy," she says sticking her tongue out at me making me laugh, she's a brat.
"Let's go get ice cream, I'm buying!" I say it's out protocle!

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