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Colin POV.

We were halfway through breakfast as the door opened and someone came in sounding angry, calling to Thalia, I started to get worried, is this her ex? An enemy? I'm sitting in my seat looking behind me as a girl walks in, a girl with short bleached hair, brown eyes, and pierced ears along with oversized jeans and a jumper. I knew this girl, I've seen this girl before, she's the girl from back uni, but why is she here calling to Thalia.

"Thali, you bitch!" She says coming in with a big pout on her face, Thalia didn't mind or care about the girl fighting her, she was still in her seat holding her cup of coffee.
"Melody, love, stop yelling and sit your ass down," Thalia scolds her in a cold voice.

"No! Why did you do that?" the girl, Melody asks stomping her foot, she looks like me this morning throwing a tantrum over not going to university today.
"Because Melody, you need to get to college, and not fly off to the vampire district to play poke the beast," Thalia scolds the girl, I tried to pull myself even more down the chair, but I don't want her to see me.
"You're not my mom," Melody says stomping her foot again.
"I'm your alpha sweetheart, that's bigger than being your mother, you want to have breakfast?" she asks Melody who's starting to deflate, she pulled out the chair next to me and sat down.

"Why didn't you tell me precious is yours now?" Melody asks Thalia, her alpha? I'm not sure if they are connected any more than that.
"I don't remember you caring little sister, why?" Thalia asks her, she sounds sweet so far, why did Peter warn me about her.
"He goes to uni with me, I'll keep an eye on him of course," she says with a big wide smile, one that screamed troubles.

"Melody, for god's sake, leave my little be," Thalia was quick to scold her, I was trapped in the middle, just looking back and forth between the two.
"Why mommy Thalia! I'd teach him only good things," she assure Thalia but for some reason, I don't believe her.
"Melody," she whines, making me smile, Melody, reminds me of Bambi so much, that I feel connected to her.

"Okay little precious, you see, I lost a bet to Thalia dearest one time, she made me her little for a full week," she says hugging me from the side, putting her mouth against my ear.
"She made me wear diapers and spanked me on the bum with a wooden spoon, I even heard the rumour she plans on having you nursing," she whispered to me, making me freeze, she started with pull-ups, but would she be that bad?

"Melody!! I never did such a thing! Don't scare him away, not in front of the staff," Thalia scolds her, okay maybe she's not that bad.
"You wanna come to school with me? I'll teach you some cool words to tell the alpha," she tells me.
"You're asking the wrong person Melody, I'm the one in charge," Thalia reminds her, the fact that got to remind us who's in charge reminds me so much of Bambi.

"I'll go to school, and attend my classes if I can go with precious," Melody offer her, it sounded like a final offer, I'd like to have Melody there with me, she seems like a nice girl.
"Make sure he eats lunch, and allow Peter to drive you back and forth," Thalia warns her.
"You gotta deal," Melody agrees, shaking hands with her, stealing some of my food.

"Do we need to go yet?" I ask them both, not sure who to ask, we got university today, Melody stole more of my food, even took a sip out of my sippy cup not caring what kind of cup she's drinking from.
"I really need to use the said wooden spoon over your bum, you brat," Thalia says shaking her head, and getting out of her seat, we both followed her.

We all got in the same car, with me sandwiched in the middle again, Thalia got busy on her phone, while Melody started talking to me, telling me more about her older sister Thalia, and what a fun killer she is.
"Really, like have you ever heard about anything being more fun than poking angry vampires?" she asks me, yes, I heard about staying alive, it sounds a lot more fun.
"Drop it, Melody," Thalia warns her.
"Fine, fine," Melody drops it for a second before getting closer to my ear whispering, "We're definitely getting fast food for lunch," she says, I agree with her, I like that idea.

The driver dropped us over at the university, Thalia kissed me on the lips saying goodbye to me, and only waved toward Melody, I left the car blushing red.
"You're blushing red, what is it?" Melody asks, she hasn't noticed the kiss.
"Nothing," I say walking through the university hallways with her, everyone was looking at us, well at her and me being alongside her, I'm dressed in better clothing options today.

"Melody, have you ever kissed anyone?" I ask her but regret it right away, of course, she did, she's not me, she doesn't live under a rock.
"Kissed? Romantically, never, I want to be kissed you know, but never found the right person," that wasn't the answer I expected from her, but I nod my head yes, I expected her to have more like a million lovers.

"Is alpha Thalia really that bad?" I ask her.
"Shouldn't you be calling her mommy Thalia?" she says in a serious voice, I froze, if she was for real, I thought we were friends when my face stayed frozen, she started to laugh at me.
"Your face! God your face! Call her Thali for all I care," she says, thankfully, I nod my head finding the ability to breathe again.

"She hates the name Thali, don't call her that though," she warns me, I nod my head yes, I won't.
"Could you stop joking me around?" I ask her, and she nods.
"Sorry, that was mean," she says side hugging me, getting in our first class together, we sat together in the middle of the class, not too far in the back for her, and not too close for me.

We tried to pay attention, taking notes, going from one class to another, until we reached the English class, the one that we both agree on hating.
"Thalia is a great mommy and dom, I'm sure you'll never regret being with her," she assures me in a low voice.

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