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Colin POV.

Read the contract first, that was Bambi's advice, when Alpha Thalia got me the contract to sign, I knew I had to read it a couple of times, and maybe ask Bambi for help, she must know the details.
"Can I take it home?" I ask her, can I read it with my friend?
"Sure, Colin, but I want the contract to be signed by tomorrow, bring it back here personally," she order me, I was quick to nod my head yes, I would.

"Yes, alpha?" I say not knowing how to address her, or is that name just for the one of her own kind, I'm walking blind here, damn you, Bambi, why can't you provide anything but sex facts.
"You can call me alpha, for now, now I'll ask someone to drive you home," she says, but I wanted to thank her and say no, I can get home on my own, but she stopped my objections right away.

"No, Colin, you're an almost employee here, I did promise to keep you safe until you get back home," she says, I blushed again, but I can't say no, if I do, I'll have to take the buses, all of the buses back home.
"Okay, thank you," I say blushing, I can use a ride home.
"Nice manners," she comments, although my mom didn't have much time for me, she didn't take my attitude well, she taught me manners.
"Thank you again," I say, all I'm doing here is nodding and saying thank you.

"Goodbye, Colin, I'll see you tomorrow," she says getting out of her chair, opening the door for me, letting me out, a girl was waiting outside, wearing glasses with rounded frames, having dark skin, a button nose, and long black hair styled in curls, although she was pretty, he face held a big scold on her face.
"Lillie, make sure someone drives Colin home, and that he arrives safely," she orders the girl, going back inside her office, closing the door.

"Uhh...Hi?" I say not sure how to address the new girl, she rolled her eyes at me.
"Come on, I don't have time for this," she says walking away toward the elevator, everyone runs around here, even with their heels on, I'm the slowest in my beat-up converse. She walked us down back toward the main floor, she walked out of the building and called to a guy wearing a black suit, he came running toward us.
"Yes, Miss Lillie?" he asks her.
"Drive, Mr..." she starts but she doesn't know my name, she just points at me with her hand in a dismissive way, "Home, alpha's order" she orders him.

"Sure, let's go Mr," the guy says pointing toward a black car with tinted windows, he opened the back door for me, allowing me in, while he took the driver's seat.
"What district do you live in?" he asks me, it's asking for my address in the new world.
"The human district," I answer him, he gave me a look of disgust, he hates humans, but he got to drive me there.

I stayed quiet the whole drive, no need to walk, no need for buses, no bumps on the way, and the whole thing wasn't shaking like it was going to go on fire any second, the drive was very peaceful, it was luring me to sleep, but I couldn't sleep right now, the guy would kill me in my sleep, I stayed awake the whole time, the drive was really short, the difference between the buses and the car, the car was smoother and quicker!
"My house is the third on the left," I say, pointing toward the side, my house was the fourth on the right but I didn't want to tell him so.

"Fine," the guy says pulling to the side letting me out of the car, I thanked him for driving me and got out of the car, I waited for him to drive off before I walked back toward my home, I went in and got a big glass of water, I needed one, I drank the whole thing taking a deep breath, I survived. I changed my clothes back to my everyday clothes, before moving to Bambi's home, I hope she doesn't have work today, she doesn't work every day, she wants to go to college too, but even with her generous payments, it's not enough.

"Hey, Bambi," I say when she opens the door for me, she had a hoodie on with leggings, she covers as much as possible when she's not at work, her make up was non-existent, she was beautiful, no need for anything to cover her nature.
"You're alive! I thought the wolves ate you alive!" she teases me, making me groan, she knew I had zero knowledge about them.

"You sent me to the wolves hen! With no weapons! What if I said something and ended up dead?" I ask her with a big frown, she just dismissed my concerns.
"You only met some HR, the worse they'd do is not hire you," she says, she's so wrong.
"I didn't meet with the HR Bambi," I correct her, when she didn't comment waiting for me to add who I did meet with I added, "I met with Alpha Thalia Ranulf," I say that made her mouth fall open.

"You didn't! Why would you meet the alpha!" she says confused just as much as I am.
"The letter said to meet with her and she welcomed me in," I explain.
"Yes? Then did you bow? Did you look her in the eye? Alpha hates to be looked in the eye!" Bambi gashes over me, I rolled my eyes, now she's teaching me things.

"She said she can find me a job, running errands for her, and she gave me a contract to read and sign," I say showing Bambi the contract, we both sat down to read it.
It was all standard work, and I should never talk badly about the company, I have to do the job given to me by the alpha, and only report to her, there was also medical insurance and travel expenses. My job timing was only part-time, being malleable with my school schedule, the alpha would make sure to give me weekly schedules depending on the workload. Finally, it stated that alpha Thalia is the only one in charge of me, in case of any breaking of the contract, she'd deal with me. Along with a really good payment that would be given to me in hand every week.

"Wow, I knew wolves were really possessiveof their employee but never this far," Bambi says, is this a good or a badthing.
"Should I sing then?" I ask her worried.
"Yup, definitely," Bambi encourages me, here goes nothing, I'm sureI'm not signing my soul off.

Thalia.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant