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Colin POV.

"Melody?" I ask, calling her, but the wolf looked to be in pain, she fell down on the floor, she whined, she howled, she shook her head, and when she turned to me, her eyes were red, I didn't know wolves eyes would be red when they shift, I've never seen them shifting before, maybe I should ask Thalia to shift so I can check, that if I don't die right now.

"Melody, are you okay? Can you hear me?" I ask her, and she turned to me with a growl, she's not a happy wolf right now, she kept on growling at me, while I tried to get away from her, but she kept on growling, taking another step toward me.
I was sure that I'm dead right now and then, and I doubted anyone would save me now, it was simply me and the wolf who was going to my neck. We heard a noise from the inside of the factory, then we heard Arlo's voice, he found us, as he got closer, I saw Melody's eyes shift back to black, then red, and black again, she was shaking her head, she looked confused, but by what?

"They're running away!" Arlo says, the person who was with him yelled too, they were yelling about getting us back, I wanted to yell at the wolf to get going we need to leave.
I opened the steel door for her, pointing for the wolf to get out, she did, we both got out of the factory, but so di Arlo and co, they were chasing us, they had guns while we had nothing, well I had a wolf who's running after me.
"Come back here Melody, why are you running?" Arlo calls to Melody who growls again, her eyes were back to red.

"We don't want her you idiot, we need to get the boy," the person who was with him yells, the boys meaning me, but I didn't want them to get me, they can't get me.
The wolf turned to them, she attacked Arlo and the guy with him, I stood frozen, looking at them fight, the wolf was trying to hurt? Unalive Arlo's friend, while he tried to push her off his companion, he wasn't using the gun he had on him, but she didn't care while the companion was yelling at Arlo to unalive Melody.

"Get the damn boy Arlo!" the companion yells, before Melody finished the job, unaliving the companion, she then turned to me, and Arlo, she had blood on her face, her eyes were matching red eyes, she looked at the two of us deciding on who her next victim would be, it turned out to be Arlo.
I decided to get away, I took off, she's a big bad wolf, she can take care of herself, I ran off, I knew these streets, I knew this district, I ran back toward home, I'm going home and locking the door behind me, this is way too much for me to understand, why is Melody acting like this? Doesn't she recognize who I'm when she's in her wolf form?

I didn't know much of werewolves and their dynamics, I kept on running, and running, hearing her behind me, did she finish unaliving Arlo? Is it my turn now? Fear had me running so quickly, I made it to my old neighbourhood so quickly, I went to Bambi's home, I knocked on the door, I kept on knocking, but no one opened the door, she must be out on a job, I ran back to my house, but I didn't have the keys on me. Instead, I ran toward the window, I opened the kitchen window, the one I know doesn't close right, you have to push it inside to open and close it, I used the window to get inside the house, closing the door behind me.

Now that I'm in a safe place, what should I do? Go back to Thalia? Go out and check if the wolf is done with her killing spree? I was dizzy and tired, I sat down on the floor of the kitchen, placing my head between my knees, what did I get myself into? I'm running from vampires and wolves, I'm scared, I'm shaking, and now I'm crying.
Does mommy Thalia unalive people when she's in her wolf form? Does she turn into a monster? Is that what I'm falling in love with?

That's the thing, I'm falling in love with her, with her dark eyes, with her dark curls, the way she holds me, the way she talks to me, I'm in love with her details, with the way she drinks her black coffee, the way she orders Peter to keep an eye on me. I'm in love with her, and that scares me to death, I'm afraid of her, I'm afraid of being in love with the person who owns me, she owns me for the next three years, and that's all she wants to do with me, while I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

There was a noise inside the house, did Arlo come here? Did Melody came in? I jumped up, turning around trying to find a weapon, I held a kitchen knife, that's the best I could do in here, I just need to scare whoever is here until I find a way to run again.
"What are you doing here?" my mother asks getting inside the kitchen, she had two bags in her hands, groceries?

"Hey mom," I say in reply, I haven't seen her in so long, ever since I was attacked, and even before.
"Aren't you supposed to be at work? The Deer girl said you're sleeping in your boss house," she says, meaning Bambi.
"I am," I say not knowing what to say else, we don't talk usually.
"Don't you have work then? Shouldn't you be on your way?" she says, is she kicking me out? It sounds like she is.

"I'll...I'll..." I say I don't have any money on me to take the bus, my phone was lost somewhere during the chase or maybe while being kidnapped, I didn't even think about calling mommy Thalia until now. But I'm afraid of calling her, what if...

I decided my best option is just to make it there on my own, I could use the walk, I need some time to think things through, I love Thalia, but she doesn't love me back, I'm pretty sure of that, but she owns me for the next three years, I should just enjoy it while it last.

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