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Colin POV.

I'm the hero of my own story, I don't need to be saved, I sang to myself on the way back home, I'm going home, to spend the next three years of my life with the alpha whom I'm falling in love with while she doesn't give two fucks about me, but I don't care about that.
But that's something I need to live with, something I'll need to survive, but three years with her won't be that bad, I'll take what I can get, life was never fair, why would I expect it to treat me well now.

When I got home, her home, I went straight to her room, I took off my clothes, I contemplated taking a shower, but she's going to wash me again, why do that? Instead, I got some clean clothes and laid over her pillow, where her scent was the strongest, I kept taking deep breaths from her pillow enjoying her scent, helping me feel safe, I was back in her place.
I was home for almost an hour, that's when she came back I heard her voice, I heard her running up the stairs, but she didn't have her heels on, instead, I heard her footsteps up the stairs, she came in the room, but she wasn't dressed like she did this morning, no dress, no heels, her hair was down and messy.
She was in sweats, which looks two sizes bigger than her, I doubted they were her clothes, to begin with when she saw me laying on her bed she ran toward me, she picked me off the bed and into her arms, hugging me tight in her arms.

"Oh, my god, my baby, you're safe, you're safe!" she says over and over again, hugging me.
"Yeah, I'm back," I assured her, enjoying her touch.
"Thank god," she says hugging me over her chest, landing stray kisses over my face, and lips.
"Is Melody back?" I ask her.

"Melody? What do you mean? Wasn't she with you?" she asks me, I looked at her confused now.
"She went wolf form, which is really scary," I say remembering her black and red eyes, the way she almost unalive me.
"Then?" she asks raising a brow at me, doesn't she know how them wolves act?
"Uhh...Then we got separated, I came back here, and I thought she'd come after she...you know," I say making a motion with my hand, meaning when she's not in a killing spree mood.

"No, I don't know Colin, explain, what do you mean? Why did you and Melody get separated? Explain?" she asks me sounding worried and confused now, I didn't want her to feel scared, I decided to tell her everything that happened right away.
"She went wolf, her eyes kept moving from black to red, and she tried to attack me, but then she unalived the people who were holding us, and I was worried she'd go for me next, so I ran," I explain honestly everything that happened.

"My sister's eyes went red? Are you sure they were red? Bloodshot red? Or her irises were red?" she asks me, I looked at her confused, but I'm sure that her whole iris was red.
"The whole thing," I say.
"No, Colin baby, please focus with mommy, you don't need to be afraid of me, tell me was her iris red?" she asks me again.
"Her iris were red, they were red," I say sure of what I'm saying.

"Did she say anything?" she asks me, her eyes starting to fill with tears, but why is she crying? wouldn't her sister come back? why is she crying? But then I remembered the paper Melody gave me before we ran out, I have it in my pocket, hopefully, it's still in my pocket, I got my jeans and searched through my pockets, finding the paper, I handed it to her.
But I couldn't help my curiosity, I sneaked over her shoulder to read the letter too, it was written in nice handwriting on what I know to be Melody's notebook.

Hey sister, I'm leaving you this message to let you know what's happening, I don't want you to worry, you have always worried about me, ever since I was just a kid. But you won't need to worry anymore Thali, I promise you there was nothing to do to save me, not this time, no one could do anything to me now, it's too late.
I'm fading. I can control myself no more, the sickness is taking control of my body, my mind and my soul, I have felt it for months now, no matter how much I fought it.
I'm sorry, I didn't want to tell you this way, but I'd never say it to your face.
Thalia, if you're reading this, that means I went rogue, I tried to fight it, I promise I did, but the sickness was stronger than me.
I'm sorry Thalia,
PS: Colin is one heck of a friend/little, please take good care of him, the vampires are planning bad things for him. I lied and said I'm on with them to help keep him safe, I'll never betray my favourite sister! But you know that, don't you?
Blame my sickness on them, sister, sue them for all they own, they wouldn't dare to touch you or what's yours after that, look at me sacrificing myself.
I'm scared Thalia, I wish you could hold me, I wish I can cuddle in bed with you like we did when we were kids, but we can't do that anymore. I'm a danger to you, please do not come after me.
I love you sister.
We'll meet again in the next life.

I didn't understand what rogue means or what kind of sickness is this? Is it a bad thing, mommy Thalia took forever reading the letter, then reading it again and again, she said until next life, that's a bad thing, does that means that Melody is? But she can't be, she gave me the letter before. Thalia for the first time since we ever met fell down on her knees, her head went up to the sky, and she howled, a voice filled with pain, it sounded like her soul was getting broken in half, she was in so much pain, I couldn't see her like this, howling in pain, I jumped and hugged her, she was frozen in place, her head was held low for the first time.
My arms went around her, while hers were down first, but then she hugged me too, her arms went around me, her face buried in my neck, as she sobbed out.

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