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Thalia POV.

It's been two weeks since he became mine, we got a good routine that's going on between the two of us, we go to bed together, he falls asleep much quicker than me, I make sure to feed him well, he's not fussy about food or his hygiene, he's just a perfect little. But the big moment I'm waiting for is for him to slip into his little side, we're so close to that, we're just on the edge of slipping, him almost reaching that point but then he pulls back, too afraid of letting go, but I want him to go there fully.

"Colin, baby," I call to him, he's laying at the bottom of my bed, he's still trying to find a way to slip out of the bed, I could let him keep trying and maybe if he manages to get out, I'll punish him for slipping out of the bed while I told him not to.
"Yes?" he asks me, half of his body was over the edge of the bed.
"You're gonna fall," I warn him, he sighs, but gets his bum up over the bed, crawling over to my side of the bed, he made it to me and laid over my chest, whining.

"What are you whining about?" I ask him, raising a brow at him.
"I'm bored, I don't want to go to the company, please," he begs me, whining, I've only been taking him to the company along with me and sending him to uni with Melody.
My little sister is in love with my little, she needs a good solid friend, hers aren't the best, even Colin told me he doesn't like them that they are mean to her. I wish I could get her new friends, but she's too old for playdates, or at least she refuses to allow me to get her some playdates.

"What does my baby wanna do?" I ask him, petting his hair, I still need to give him a good haircut, maybe today we can have a lazy day in bed.
"Nu, know," he answers me, he doesn't know what he wants to do, but I do, I want to push him until he completely slips today, he's gonna be a little baby by the end of the night.

"We can stay in today, maybe sleep late," I offer him, petting his hair, he whines at the mention of sleep, he doesn't like sleeping, he's always awake early and fussy when it comes to sleeping.
"Nu sleeping, up! up!" he whines jumping on top of the bed, getting Colin to slip mission is going great now, I smile happily with my new achievement.
"Fine, let's get up," I say picking him up, moving the canopy out of the way, finally letting the light shine in, he tried to slip out of my arms to run free but I kept my hold on him.

Our routine usually starts with a shower, I tried to bath him at night, but those only made him too hyper and energized, it's better to clean him in the morning, but instead of the quick showers we were having together in the morning, I decided on a bath. I allowed him to get down on his feet, as I started to fill the tub, adding some toys we didn't have the chance to use yet.

"Baby, the bath is ready," I called to him, once I was done, but he doesn't answer me, I got out of the bathroom looking at him, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen in my room.
"Colin, sweetie?" I call to him again, the door was closed, he couldn't have gone out without me, I only heard some slight giggling, coming from under the bed, that's where he went, I bent down on the floor, seeing him hiding there under the bed.

"Colin, it's time to come out," I say offering him a hand, sliding him from underneath the bed.
"I don't want to shower," he says sniffing under his armpit, "I'm clean," he announces.
"No, you're not clean, let's go, mommy would join in too," I say, taking him toward the bathroom, I stripped him first, then stripped myself, placing him in the bath, and getting in with him.

He stood confused in the middle of the tub, as I sat down and laid back against the edge of the tub, when he kept on standing, I pulled him down, placing him in my lap, his back to my chest.
"Mommy what're these?" he asks looking at the toys confused, he never had bath toys?
"Toys, this is a duck, this is a ship," I explain to him, making them move around in the water, that got his attention, a smile came over his face, his eyes glazed, and just like that I finally managed to get him to slip.

I stayed in the bath, quiet, allowing him to play, while I did some light washing over his whole body and hair, when the water started to get colder, I decided to get him out, he cried and whined at being taken out of the water, I did my usual routine dressing the both of us in lazy clothes, his clothing choice included protection, I did trust him during the day, he only wears those for bed, but since we're having a lazy day, the protection was a must. He whined, but I didn't mind about him whining, he does that often, whenever I dress him in protection, along with a footie onesie for the day, it kept him whole covered and warm.

"You get to choose," I say holding both pacifier options up for him, one said Prince, while the other said 'Mama's boy', he picked the mama's boy option, sticking him in his mouth right away, two weeks of using them to bed, got him used to them, I used a clip to attach it to his clothes.
"My pretty baby, doing so well for mama, you gonna sit down while I fix your hair?" I ask him, it's time to get his hair under control, he only nods his head yes, agreeing on sitting down and letting me start to fix it.

When I got the scissors, he started to whine and try to get his head away from me, I placed the scissors away and got him sitting on my vanity, his hands moved toward my make brushes, finding a new toy to mess with, I allowed him to hold one of them, it's a powder brush, big and fluffy giving him something to play with the whole time as I fixed the ends of his hair.

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