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Colin POV.

I think I've hit my head and my leg, and I'm totally bruised from the plane pushing us back and forth as it took off toward the sky, I wasn't the only one who was hurt, everyone was groaning as we finally managed to get off the ground. Thalia got up first, she moved to the closet seat, sitting there searching for me I hope, she had her hands over her face, just groaning.

"Colin, baby, can you move?" she asks me, I shake my head no, I couldn't move, she's going to have to come and get me.
"I'm coming," she says, moving off the seat and coming toward me, she picked me up and moved back to the nearest seat, sitting down and letting me sit next to her, my head hurt.

"Guys, you okay?" Thalia asks them all, I saw everyone was still on the floor, the security got up first, getting their guns put away, good, I'm kind of scared of the guns.
"People, someone gets me up," Lillie tries to order them, but they ignored her.

"Guys, get my little up before she drives all of us crazy," Peter orders holding his shoulder tight, I saw a red mark over his shoulder.
"Mommy," I say pulling her sleeve, trying to get her attention.
"Yeah?" Thalia asks, she looked as dizzy as I felt.
"Is that blood?" I ask her pointing to Peter's shoulder.

"Peter?" she asks out loud.
"It's nothing," he answers but I could see the blood coming out of his shoulder, suddenly everything was too much for me to take, the whole world turned black, and my eyes closed on their own, I think I fainted, it's the first time I ever do that, it's weird and scary in the same time, feeling your body going weak, unable to move it. I felt hands touching me, hands trying to push me somewhere but I wasn't able to wake up, I stayed asleep, I wasn't asleep, but in a sleeping state.

I woke up on my own sometime later, I opened my eyes to meet with Thalia's dark eyes, it's where I feel the safest, being with her is where I feel safe, no blood, no guns, nothing, I tried to sit up, but my head was really hurting, I looked around expecting to be back in her office, it was all a messed up dream, there's no real shooting or running away, it was all just a strange dream.
But when I sat up, we were still in the plane, I could see Peter's bandaged shoulder, a teary Lillie and the rest of the security, it wasn't just a dream, it happened for real.

"What happened?" I ask hoping they'd answer me differently than what I have in mind.
"Don't you remember what happened? We were chased down by the mafia Colin," Lillie says sounding all serious, the mafia! I knew the mafia is coming back to get me! They tried to get me before!

"Mama! we need to hide!" I yell to Thalia making her laugh, she actually laughed at me, pulling me closer to her, but it wasn't just her who was laughing, everyone else joined the laughing.
"Lillie, you're really a brat! How do you even work with the alpha little cousin?" one of the security asks her, he was down on the ground laughing.

"I'm not a brat, I'm a good girl," she says, everyone gave her a look, she's the opposite of that.
"Fine, I'm a good girl for daddy," she says now pointing to Peter who just groaned again.
"She's a good girl when she's threatened with or received a spanking," Peter says making all of us laugh now.
"Hey not fair! I'm nice when you give me chocolate too," she says stomping her foot down.

"Sir, how's your left hand? You're going to need to use that one to be able to deal with the brat with your right injured," the same security asks him laughing.
"I'm gonna tell aunt Lennie you made fun of me! You'll see!" Lillie threatens the guy, making everyone laugh again including me.

"It really happened?" I ask mommy, now that I know Lillie has been jerking me around, I know it's not what really happened.
"Yes honey, it did, but don't worry, we're safe now," she promises me, I just nod my head yes.

"The alpha actually called him a walking corpse," another one of the security says laughing out loud, okay he's correct, it's funny.
"We ran for our life, never a dull day with you alpha, I'd change it for nothing," the guy who I now know is Lillie's cousin says.
"Thank you, honey," alpha Thalia answers him.

"How long till we land?" I ask them, I hate flying, I hate sitting in this stupid metal cage.
"Another two hours," Thalia answers, coming here, I slept most of the way, now I wasn't ready to sleep, I'm kind of too hyper to sleep.
"What we gonna do until then?" I ask them, now that I can't sleep, I don't feel like sitting in here doing anything.

"We can play poker!" Lillie announces, I nod my head yes, I want to play.
"If the alpha agrees," the cousin says, I looked at mommy, fingers crossed.
"He's too young for poker," she says making me pout.

"You allowed me to drink yesterday, why can't I play poker? I don't feel small I pwomise," I say although my words were betraying me now.
"I only did it once because it was a special day," she says.
"Today is special too, we almost died! That's scary!" I inform her, that I just want to forget everything and pretend it never happened.
"Fine, but don't ruin my little too much," Thalia order them.

"Please! I want to play too," Lillie was now begging Peter, trying to hold on to his not-injured hand.
"Lillie, Lillie," he says in a firm voice making her stand still.
"Go annoy them, and take their money, I'm going to nap, okay?" he tells her, getting some white pills from his bag, I guess it's painkillers.

"Do you know how to play?" the cousin asks, I shake my head no, I had no idea.
"We'll teach you, but we need to get our coins," he says going on the search for something, I guess we're not using real money, I hoped not, I had none on me.
"I found cookies, they'd work," he says placing them on a table and calling the two of us to come to sit along with the rest of the security.

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