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Thalia POV.

I hate vampires, I hate coming to their district but I had to, it's my job, every time we come over to their district we end up getting drunk, and we always get drunk. It's our way to tell the vampires to fuck off, we hate them, they hate us, but we have work to do together.
Every time we come we drink, the vampires are paying, they pay for our hotel staying, they pay for our food and drinks, and even the limo, why not go over the top.

I allowed Colin to drink a little, it's a special day today, we get to drink together, dance together and finally, we got to cuddle together, watch TV and fall asleep, work would be a bitch tomorrow when I have to wake up early to work, but that's would be tomorrow's me problem, for now, I'm happy to spend some time with my baby boy.
I woke up to my stupid alarm, although I'm used to waking up early, having to wake up early to go to a vampire meeting wasn't something I enjoy.

"Time to rise and shine little boy," I say trying to wake Colin up, although I'm the one who has to wake up and look presentable, he has to get up too, he has to be dressed and look all pretty for me, for the vampires, he's just my pet, but for me, he's my baby, the one I'm happy to be showing off.
"Nu wanna, I'll stay in," he says, he spends one day away from me and now he thinks I'll be leaving him behind, where I go he goes.

"No, you're coming with me," I say getting up and picking him up, I moved toward the bathroom, I turned the shower on, I had my shampoo and his packed with me, I cleaned myself and him, washing any sign of alcohol off the two of us, I'm back to being a presentable alpha and CEO.
"Mommy, how about we call it a lazy day?" he asks me making me chuckle, he's getting more brave and safe around, brave enough to show me his bratty side.
"How about we get ready and leave?" I ask him after the meeting ends we can go out for a bit, have some adventures together, and maybe poke the vampires like Melody's plans.

"Fine," he says with a whine, as I got him dressed for the day and got dressed myself, we left out the room to meet with the bodyguards, along with Lillie and Peter, everyone looked their best for our vampires not so friendly, friends.
"Ready to leave?" I ask them, the quicker we'd go, the quicker we'd be able to be done with this meeting.
"Aren't we going to eat first? maybe some Tylenol? my head is killing me," Lillie asks.

"You shouldn't have drank that much, you know you don't handle alcohol well," I remind her, it's the same thing every time.
"Fine, scold me later, I'm his responsibility anyway," Lillie groans pointing toward Peter.
"Now food?" Lillie asks again making Colin giggle.

"Yes, food," Colin agrees with her, he's in with her on the plan to going there late.
"Fine, let's get you some food," I agree nodding to one of the bodyguards to get everyone some food, although I couldn't stomach any food we got, I'm too nervous for this meeting.
"You done eating now? Ready to leave?" I ask them, now that we had our food, and Lillie's Tylenol, we're ready to leave.

We got in the limo again, as we were taken this time toward the vampire's company, I tried to compose myself, I'm a badass alpha, nothing to be afraid or worried about, I could win this, I held my head high, and got out of the car, holding Colin's hand, while the rest walked behind us, I'm the alpha, I'm the one in charge, I'd keep everyone's safe.

"Alpha," one of the vampire's guy says welcoming me in, I simply nod in response, and as we kept on walking, my whole group was shown to a conference room, I took my seat with Colin to my left, and Peter to my right along with Lillie and the rest of the protection team. We waited until their lord came and sat down opposite to me, he had his own pet with him, sitting on his left just like Colin, his pet was a pretty girl, with a bruise on her neck, a sign that he had bitten her not so long ago.

"Lord," I say, I'm on his lands, I have to play nicely.
"Alpha, what a joy to have you here," he says with a smile wide enough to show off his fangs, we take turns with meetings, he came to my land last time, and now I'm over at his.
"Now about the new blood deal," I say, we're the ones who manufacture the blood for them, they wanted me to add alcohol for them, but that's not going to happen.

"Yes, make it more fun blood," the Lord says, is he for real, although he's thousands of years old, he's talking like a small kid who wants to get some extra candy.
"I can't do that lord, by the standard of my company, adding any kind of alcohol, it would ruin my reputation," I explain to him while he went on and on about how the fun blood would make me win millions, while I was sure it would be the end of my company.

"Lord, how about we reach a middle ground," I say rubbing my head, he's giving me a bad headache really.
"Yes? a middle ground?" he asks me raising a brow at me, he either agrees or I bite his head off and cancel the whole agreement between us, I'd announce being bank rubbed and not keep on working with them.

"How about we make a new line of blood, a smaller line, that would be called party blood, laced with strong enough wine to remind us of the days where we could taste it," I say hoping he'd take the way off, and finally put me out of my misery.
"A new line?" he says, I nod my head yes, and we all nod, everyone was ready to leave, even his own people.
"It'll be made for you guys mainly," I say promising to sell him everything they want, but I need to leave.

"You got a deal alpha," he saysshaking hands with me, but his eyes wondered toward Colin, he was licking hislips, making me feel unease.

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