6-Black Market.

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Colin POV.

I signed the contract, I didn't even think twice, I signed it, the payment was too good to miss, the schedule was fixable with my school, it was everything I ever wanted for a job and a lot more. I signed I went back home to get dressed, I'm going with Bambi on a trip to get her mother's medication. I don't like to allow her to go alone, I can't talk her out of her job, but I know that I can't allow her to go to the black market alone.

Although humans have ruined the earth and left it to the supernatural to fix it, we never learned, we never stopped being greedy and dark souls, we were always and would forever be, dark greedy creatures, we are the reason earth and humans would vanish one day. When Bambi wants to get her mother some medication, she has to get them from the black market, the regular market wouldn't give her enough pain killers for her mother, they think it's too much, but she's in pain, and she needs them.

I wore a hoodie too, dark clothes, hoods up, Bambi's hair was completely covered, hiding all sign of her beauty, and hiding the fact of how young we are, we've been doing this since we were sixteen since we got the money no one ever questioned if we are a drug dealer or something else. We walked next to each other, we were quiet, Bambi hates this part of her life, but we have to do it, I held her hand squeezing her hand telling her I'm here next to her.
"I hate this Colin," she mumbles to me, I knew she does, but we have to do it.

"We can do it, Bambi," I assure her, she just nod her head as we kept on walking until we made it to the dark market, it's not that hard to find, in the human district, but not in the part where normal families live if you move to the more left out part, the parts that are forgotten, an abandoned subway, an abandoned mall, things like that, a building that screams dark and the potential of being killed, that's when you find the dark market. It moves places all the time, it's a way to keep some of the sellers safe, they'd sell you bad products and when you come back to fight them, they'd be gone.

Today the market is in the subway, the structure has crumbled a few times, but they still come over here and open the market there, we got down the crumbled stairs, and walked inside the market, looking for Bambi's seller. They steal the medication from the supernaturals and sell them to us, we didn't care where they get the, as long as we got what we needed. We walked toward the guy, he's a shady human, one of the worse people around here, but he's the one who sells everything medical.

"I want the usual," Bambi says straight to the point, she's not in a talking mood.
"Ahh sweetie, welcome back, I've missed you," the guy says but she only groans in response, we're not friends, we hate him.
"My stuff?" she asks him losing her temper, Bambi's temper is just like her red hair, firey.
"Sure, sure, honey, here you go," he says getting a bag filled with ampules, but we don't trust him, I checked the ampules, one by one, making sure he's not selling us very expensive water.

"They good," I nod to Bambi, they are good, she got the money, and paid him, he counted the money, and we got ready to leave, but he stopped us.
"Five hundred more little girl," he says, calling Bambi her least favourite nickname on planet earth.
"Fiver hundred? I paid you as usual," Bambi replied in an angry voice.
"The prices have gone up, princess, keep up," he says, did she own the extra money, she looked frustrated.
"I'll pay you next time," she says, she doesn't have the money on her then.

"Can't do princess, you either pay or give them back," he says in a cold voice.
"You can't do that!" She yells at him, her mother needs the medication.
"I can definitely do that," he says with a toothy smile, did I mention he's missing one of his front teeth, I'd say someone punched him, and I agree with whoever that person is.

"Fine, take back what I owe you," Bambi says handing him the bag back, he took three ampules out, of the bag, that's a whole day less of medication for her mother, but it's the only ones she could afford, Bambi snatched the bag back and started to walk with me following after her. She wiped her nose and eyes clean, she's on the verge of tears, I held her hand and started to run, getting us out and aways of the black market as quick as possible, once we got away, I hugged my friend close, she needs to cry a little, and I'm here for her.

"It's okay Bambi, you can do this," I assure her, but she only sobs into my chest, I petted her back, until she calmed down until she had no more tears to cry.
"This isn't fair," she says with a sniffle, life wasn't fair for people like us.
"I know baby, but we can do this, we always do this," I assure her, we can do it.

"But the money," she whines, she's working her bum off, literally, but I'm going to start work soon, I can help her too, she always helped me.
"Hey, I'm going to get paid soon, I'll help you," I promise her.
"But your college," she says, I just roll my eyes, I can save some money for my friend, it's the smallest payback to my bestie.

"I can give you some, no worries, I can afford school and help my friend," I assure her, she just nods her head happily, she wiped her eye clean, wiping her nose with the sleeve of her hoodie.
"Let's go eat some ice cream," she suggests.
"Ice cream?" I ask her, we just go from being broke to ice cream?

"Yes! Why not! I'm paying, let's go!" she says, now it's her turn to drag me to go get the ice cream, she could run now, we got to the small ice cream shop, they don't have many flavours, but we did have our favourites, we both choose the ones we want, even if life kick our bums, we still have ice cream.

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