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Colin POV.

After our food, me doing almost nothing, I was driven back to my home, I don't have to take the buses around to get to my home and to work, I'm so happy about that, although I'm also shy about having her driving me around as if I'm some VIP employee, but I'm not.
"Tomorrow, you got uni, your new schedule is over with Lillie," she informs me, I nod my head yes, but she only gave me a look, one that says, use your words.

"Yes, alpha," I answer seeing her smile, I like it when she smiles, she's beautiful when she smiles, I smiled back.
"Go now, Colin, I'll see you tomorrow," she says pushing me out of her office, I didn't want to leave, I want to stay with her, I want her to hug me and call me hers, what the hell is wrong with me?
"Bye, alpha," I say shaking my head, I can't think like that about my boss, she's an alpha and I'm human, I can't think like that about her, I need to get it together.

"Hye, Lillie, I was told to get my schedule from you?" I ask her, going into her office, she looked up from all the papers she had in front of her, and she handed me a schedule.
"Thank you," I thank her, she doesn't pay me any more attention, I only got to come here tomorrow for an hour after uni, I only got uni three days a week, and I have to come back in here after uni.

It also said alpha's job would be in the country for the week, that's good, I think, I thanked the guy who drove me off back home, I was about to lie about where I live again, but he was on it, he saw me not coming from this place this morning.
"Your real house or I'll tell the alpha," he warns me, I roll my eyes at him, fine, okay, I do tell him which house is really mine.
"Thanks," I say with a pout, he just made me tell him what house is actually mine, but on the bright side, tomorrow is my first day in uni, my real first day there! I've found a job! I've got into uni, I had to go and tell Bambi, what should I wear tomorrow? I'm wearing my good shirt to work, I need another good shirt, guhh, can't uni wait until after I get paid enough to buy a new shirt.

"Hey, Bambi," I yell going inside her house, she locks her door usually, but I got an extra key just in case, as she has a key to my house too.
"Up here," she answers, I went up to her room, she have a date, seeing she was getting ready.
"You got work?" I ask her, I don't want her to go, I wanted to spend some time with her.

"I have to look pretty for a boring business dinner, but if they leave first, I'll get you the leftovers," she says with a smile, this isn't as bad as her other works, she's a table candy, not that I approve, but now I know she's safe, or as safe as she could be in her work.
"Need help with your hair?" I offer her, she nods and sit down, letting me do her pretty hair, she's beautiful.
"You're pretty," I tell her, but she just shakes her head no, I roll my eyes at her, anyway.

"Tomorrow is my first day in uni!" I tell her, I finally paid and got my schedule, and she claps happily!
"How did you pay? Didn't you say they won't hand you the Id until you pay?" she asks raising a brow.
"My a...boss," I say but correct myself she's not my alpha, she's not really mine, although I feel like I belong to her.

"Oh, getting close to the alpha? I taught you so well!" she says in a happy proud voice.
"No offence Bambi, you know I respect anything and everything you do, but I won't do it like that," I say, I don't mean to sound mean to her, but I'm not a sugar baby.
"Don't knock it until you try it," she says, the best part about Bambi is she never gets mad at me, no matter what.

"Thanks, love, your pretty hair is done," I say, I don't mention the clothing situation, she goes into the closet to get her clothes ready for the evening.
"I found this shirt while cleaning my bag the other day, one of my clients gave it to me, you can add it to your collection," she says handing me a white long sleeve shirt, it looks like lounge wear for the people who could afford it, but for me it's perfect!

"Bambi! Thank you! Thank you! How did you know?" I ask her, how did she guess I need the clothes? I didn't say anything.
"Your eyes, when you said you going to uni, I know you too well, now no more talking badly about my jobs," she scolds me, okay, I'll be nice for the night.
"Fine, thank you, Bambi," I hug her one last time, taking my winning shirt and going back toward my home, she's gonna be gone soon.

I went back to my room, took a shower, had dinner, and cleaned the house a little before going to sleep, tomorrow is my first day at school! I was super excited, too excited to sleep, the morning took forever to come, and I got ready for the day, wearing the new shirt, and getting my old school bag, it's too old at this point, but it'll do. I left the house expecting to take the bus to the university, I don't have work, and I don't expect to be driven anywhere.

But the moment I got out of the house, the black car was waiting for me, with the driver in it, he was waiting for me? I got in the car not understanding what was going on, what if he wants to take me to work.
"Uhh, good morning, we got work?" I ask him confused.
"No, alpha's order to drive you to school," he says in a firm voice.

"What's your name?" I ask him instead,he's the one who's been driving me for the last three days.
"My name is Peter," he answers me.
"I'm Colin, thank you for driving me around," I say, although it'salpha's order, he's been nice about it the whole time.
"You're welcome," he answers me with a smile.

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