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Thalia POV.

My baby isn't here tonight, I don't like having him this far away, he's been in my arms for the whole month now, I was so close to saying no, I just managed to get him to slip and now he's moving away from me. Why going away, why does he needs to go back home, can't he just skip a month of his days off, maybe take it later, but next week we're going out of the district for a while.

"I miss him, Peter," I say as my head of security just sits in my office, we were talking about new security measurements with Colin being part of the pack, well he belongs to me now.
"I could tell alpha, he's doing great for you so far," Peter says, having him with me, calms my nerves, keeps me entertained and makes me happy.
"I'm just worried that he won't be safe there," I say whining like a small puppy, but I'm just a worried mommy.
"I know alpha, we got eyes on him the whole time, but now we need to talk about Miss Melody, she's not doing so great," Peter assures me, we got eyes on him, he doesn't think I'd let him go alone into the human district without keeping an eye on him.

"What's up with my sister?" I ask, Melody is a little troublemaker most days, only God knows what she's up to now.
"Up to no good, her new friends, they aren't the best kind of friends someone could have," Peter explains, but how to tell a rebel that she needs to drop her friends, she'd never! Melody isn't that old, she's only a pup in wolf years, but she gets to go to college since I allowed her to, ignoring my parent's orders.
"Make sure to keep a tail on her the whole time, her friends aren't of my pack, if they were I'd beat their bum until they behave then," I say, it's the best I could for now with her ignoring me.
"Will do alpha, but if you could maybe suggest getting better friends?" he says, easier said than done.

"It's kind of hard to tell her so, I hope having Colin as her friend would help," I say, it's a big hope and dream.
"He does have a good effect on her, but he won't do miracles," he informs me, I know that, but I can't drop everything and run after her, although I never want my sister to suffer, she's gonna need to grow up on her own terms, but she should know I got her back, we all do.

"And Peter, please, for the god of Lucifer and everything unholy, take Lillie out for a run, she made me dizzy the whole day," I say, she's been fussy today, running around the office, driving me and the whole office crazy, her wolf side needs to show itself even for a bit.
"I will later, she's going to crash soon," he assures me, but that wasn't a really good assurance.

We finished our work for the night, enjoying our late-night coffee, we need it to stay awake and focused on the matters at hand, Peter's phone started to ping, indicating a message, he checked it and then looked at me, looking worried, whatever he just received, it's not a piece of good news.
"What's wrong?" I ask him, he seemed to think about it for a couple of seconds before looking at me, ready to answer.

"Alpha, remember when you told me to keep an eye on Colin?" he asks, of course, I remember, I don't give orders then forget them.
"Colin and his friend are now in a bar," he says, making my blood run cold a bar? it's not what I'd expect them to do, but he could go anywhere he wants to go as long as respects the rules that I gave him for the night.

"And what are they doing in the said bar?" I ask Peter, there's no need to get angry unless if he broke my rules.
"Drinking, his friends are pretty drunk, it's not that safe for them to stay there," he tells me making my blood boil now, I'm really mad at him now, he's not allowed to drink without permission, especially when I'm not there to take care of him.

"Who's keeping an eye on them?" I ask Peter, I know he won't be doing everything personally, but we got our men out there with them.
"Christopher is," Peter answered with a smile, Chris is his half brother, my second cousin, and a badass, he's also good dom.
"Tell him to get in, stay with them, I'm going there," I say deciding to drive my own car today.
"Alpha, it's his days off, you shouldn't be going should you?" Peter asks, he knows my contract with him, he helped me put it for protection reasons.

"I'm only going to drop off, check on him, help remind him of his rules, then I'd be back," I assure Peter, leaving my office, I got in my car alone for once, I'm the one driving, but since I don't drive often, I don't respect the rules, I'm all alone in the car, I won't die if I crash, and I got much stronger and faster reflexes from everyone else. I drive like a crazy person, people honked at me, and others swore at me, but I didn't give two damns. My car license says I'm an alpha, alphas don't get stopped, we would buy our ways out, plus we almost never get into accidents, we're one of the best species drivers. I got to the human district in some un-legal timing, but I didn't care about that I parked in front of the bar I know my baby is in, he's going to have one hell of a reminder about behaving well, even when I'm not there, my rules still apply.

I got out of my car slowly, now that I'm here no one would dare to touch him, I got my guy inside with him, I was always one for the dramatic, I want to teach Colin a lesson, coming inside slowly would help that, I walked toward the bar, the bouncer only nodded seeing an alpha walks toward him, having my aura out, allowing him to feel how dominant I am compared to him. I walked into the shitty bar, it smelled off, like puke and cheap alcohol, I walked toward the giggle sight, where I found Colin and his friend sitting along with Chris, I tapped on Colin's shoulder getting his attention.

"Mommy?" he says in a voice laced with fear, he should be afraid right now.

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