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Colin POV.

After the evil guy left, after the howls ended, I felt hands on my face, ones that were making me look up, up to be met with Thalia's dark eyes, hers were filled with tears too, I knew what she needed, I went in to hug her, I pulled her closer to me.
The rest of the funeral went in peace, everyone talked, everyone paid their respect, everyone talked about her, the bubbly person she used to be, how she'd be missed, the tears were present on everyone's face, even me, I cried a couple of times, more howling voices were heard, saying goodbye was never easy.

"Would you like to talk?" mommy asks me, I looked at her confused, why would I talk?
"Shouldn't like only wolf talk?" I ask her, I wasn't sure about that, but what her father said before he left got me thinking.
"You were her friend, you got every right to talk to," she says, I looked at the rest, and Peter nodded too, telling me it's okay to talk. I walked ahead, standing in front of everyone, I wasn't sure what to say, but with all eyes on me, I had to say something.

"I didn't know Melody for long, but she became my friend, she became the person I cared for, the one I shared memories with, she was young filled with energy, she had a life waiting for her, but life, isn't always fair," I say feeling the need to cry, life wasn't fair at all for Melody, it took her away too early, she had so much more to see.
The next step of the memorial was a drink, a toast for the one we lost, it wasn't the champagne I drank before, it was vodka, and everyone took more than one shot, while I took a small sip giving the bottles to the next person in line.

"It's over, let's get you back home alpha," Peter says, pushing the alpha out of the way of everyone else, keeping her safe, keeping a hand on her shoulder she didn't look to be doing any better than this morning.
"Hey, mommy, I wanna have a talk with Peter," I said as she goes up to our room, she only nodded as she left, and I turned to Peter.

"I'm worried about her," I say feeling the need to cry again.
"Losing her sister isn't easy," he says, and I agree it can't be easy to lose your sister, losing a friend is terrifying, being a sister is even worse.
"How can I help her?" I ask him, I need to help her, I need to do something, anything.
"Keep an eye on her, make sure she eats, she's gonna be low for a couple of months," he says, I nod my head yes, I'll keep an eye on her, I'll make sure she's fine.

Peter left the house, probably to check the rest of the pack, I thought about going up to our room, taking the white clothes off me, I never hated this colour as much as I did now, but I also wanted to feed Thalia, like I did last night.
Instead of waiting for Peter to get us some food, I went to the kitchen on my own, none of the staff was around there, instead, I decided to be a big boy and cook for the two of us, I knew how to cook before, well only basic food, but I'm sure she won't mind.

I opened the fridge and looked inside, I saw eggs, syrup, and some strawberries, we both love strawberries, I can make some pancakes for her! Sugar is comfort food, we could use some of that right now, I got the eggs and went on the search for flour, milk was in the fridge too, and the rest of the dry ingredients were found in the cupboards around the kitchen.
I made my mixture, turning her very sophisticated stovetop, I was extra careful pouring my batter out, flipping them when they were perfectly golden, mommy deserves the best pancakes, the bad ones, I could eat.

I placed everything on a tray, with strawberries cut up on top, before carrying the trey super carefully up the stairs to our room, I almost slipped a couple of times, but I managed to get up there, but now the big problem was opening the closed door, what if she didn't want me to be with her? What if she wanted some time alone without me to mourn her sister. I stood in front of her door frozen, not sure what to do, I'm self-doubting myself and my moves, would she even like my breakfast, people who love each other get breakfast in bed don't they?

"Colin....Colin...Colin..." I heard my name being called over and over again, I looked up to see Thalia standing in front of me, would she be mad at me? Should I take off running? would she be so mad that she'd spank me, I didn't want another spanking.
"Colin, did you make those?" she asks taking the trey out of my hands, I nodded my head, yes, I did, and she smiled making me smile back, she's not mad.

"I...I wanted to take...take care of you...make you food," I say, stuttering, I wanted to be taking care of her, I wanted to say something, something really important but I'm worried to say it out loud.
"Thank you, Colin, let's get in and eat," she says smiling, we went inside the room, but I needed to change from my white clothes first.
"I need to change," I say walking toward the closet, but she beat me to it, she chose some loungewear for me right away, we've only been dressed in those for so long.

"Thanks," I say after she helped me take off the white clothes, we sat down to eat, I tried to feed her, but she only shook her head no, she fed me instead,
"Uhm, Thalia," I say calling her by her name, I want to confess to her, I need to say it, I can't hold it back anymore.
"Yes? Colin?" she asks me raising a brow.

"I'm sorry if it's not the time," I say, worried this wasn't the time, but I need to.
"It's fine, go ahead and say it," she says in a firm voice, I wasn't in my little space, but I'm slipping between the two.
"I...I kind of...love you," I say, I just said it.
"I love you too Colin," she says with a smile but I don't think she got it, I decided to just keep quiet.

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