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Colin POV.

I held my sister's hand, we got ice cream first, we're going to have some after we're done shopping too, I remember doing that the first time Bambi got paid, we took over the world, but the world took over us again when I held her as she cried and vomited late that night, she felt broken, although she enjoyed the money, the way we got it broke her on the inside.

"Ice cream?" Bambi asks I nod this is a tradition for us, but even if it does end up with one of us crying, it's a tradition I want to do.
"Yes, I'm buying," I assure her, choosing two scoops each, we ate our ice cream laughing and giggling about our jobs.

"Really, what do you really do?"Bambi asks me, she'd been asking since the first day I started working.
"I just run erranda for the alpha, I stay with her most of the day," I explain, she gave me a look, one of her looks.
"What is it?" I say knowing she got something to say.

"You do realize she got her eyes on you! Why else would she keep you in her office and pay you that generously," she says, I just shrug, but I know she's kind of right, the alpha got something else in her mind for me.
"Let's go spend her money then," I say with a smile, I don't want to think about anything right now, I just want to have some fun for tonight.

We had to walk, it's a long distance to get to the market, we're back at the black market because the real market is too expensive for us, today it's in an abandoned factory, the whole ground floor was turned into shops, sellers all around. We moved from one shop to the second, I got two hoodies, I and Bambi share them, they are oversized on the both of us, but we don't mind sharing.
Next, I needed a new shirt for work, I picked a couple of those, I also bought Bambi a shirt she liked, now I was holding more than one bag, I felt like a really important person right now, holding more than one bag.

"Come here children, we're offering new merchandise," a guy in the corner called to us, he looked creepy and more of a drug dealer.
"No thank you," I say holding Bambi's hand trying to get away from him, but he kept on calling us.
"Why don't you come and try our newest serums? We got one for the acnes, others to keep you young," he says, making Bambi huff, she's a pretty girl and doesn't need any of his messed up concussions.

"Keep walking," I whispered to Bambi, dragging her away, but the guy was relentless, he was following us around, as we tried to get away from him, we had to take a couple of turns, trying to lose the guy, but he kept following us, taking us deeper and deeper into the factory, we were supposed to get out, not in. I could see some of the old machines, most of them broken, burned, and some parts were even stolen to be sold away in the black market.

"Colin," Bambi says worried, I agree with her, this isn't good, we need to get out now, we can't stay in here, we're going to be in trouble real soon.
"This way," I say praying to god the exit sign I've seen would get us outside, Bambi's hand squeezed mine, we walked out of the steel door, finally meeting with the outside, this must be a backdoor of the factory, but we're finally outside and the guy has left us alone.

"We're safe now honey!" I assure her, finally out, we started to walk back toward our homes, maybe get some more ice cream on the way and some food! We heard the sound of something moving in the back of the factory, it's surrounded by dead bushes, wild animals and dogs live around here, we ignored those and kept walking.
But the noise got stronger, the noise got closer, I could see the shadow of something moving toward us, I got worried, as did Bambi, we started to run, we're not safe around here, we know it's not safe around here, but we needed to get some things, and coming here was our only option.

We kept running until we made it back to the safety of the human district, I bent down on my knees not able to catch my breath anymore, Bambi wasn't any better, we always take a risk going toward the black market, it's the animals and the humans you should be worried about.
Breathing hard, taking a breath in and a breath out, my heart hurt, it was beating out of my chest, when I finally managed to catch my breath I hugged my bestie, we made it out alive.

"That was scary, I'm gonna need to wash my hair after this," she says with a pout, she hates washing her long hair and taking care of it.
"I'll help you style it, as I always do," I assure her, holding her hand one last time, she's only whining because she's scared, I'm used to her attitude.

"Let's go eat," I say, dragging her with me toward the only restaurant in the area, it's dark out here, we're walking through the back streets, heading to get some food, what could go wrong? Two teenagers walking on the dark streets with shopping bags and money in their pockets, what could go wrong in one of the worse areas in the new world?
Well, you guessed correctly, we got jumped by humans, by people who are a drug-addicted, alcohol addicts, and even gamblers, they roam the dark streets and jump anyone and everyone they could find, take anything they got on them, sometimes, they'd even take the victims, sell them off to vampires and other supernatural, give them away to sex rings.

"Bambi, run," I say worried about her, they could have me, but not her, my bestie and sister, she can't survive this, they attacked me first, it was dark and she had a hoodie covering her face, while mine was out, they went to my face first, they punched me, asking me for my money, I would give them the money, but they didn't give me a chance, they kept punching and hitting me, I heard them calling each other to go after Bambi, but I had to do something.
"I have the money, she doesn't!" I yelled taking their hits as they finally went to search my pockets.

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