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Colin POV.

University was something else, it's a mix of new people, old students, rich, poor, the ones who are in beat-up clothes like me, and others who are in fancy expensive clothes. The school is a mix of supernatural, and humans, the humans are more on the poor side, but not all of us, some of us are also in fancy clothes, I guess some come from good families or maybe they are the sugar babies of some other supernatural.

I went to my first class, it was just a typical math class, I sat in the front seat, I paid full attention to the class, this is an opportunity, I need to keep my high grades to keep my scholarship, there were others in classes with me, some human who were paying their best attention, but it's the supernatural who was sitting in the back, talking among themselves.
I ignored them all mostly, moving toward my next basic class, that's all I got for the first day, basic classes, it was good so far, my last one is simple literature English, I would have skipped that class but the alpha is the one who chose it.

This time I decided to sit in the back, ignoring the class and my teacher, I could speak English, why do I need classes about people who died a hundred years ago, a girl sat next to me, she had short hair that's bleached blond, her eyes were brown, she had piercings in her ears, and the look of a really popular high school girl, wearing fancy clothes, designer jeans, I was sure she's supernatural.
"Hey, pretty thing," she says looking at me, I swallowed before answering.
"Hello," I say trying to fight a blush, you never ignore a supernatural.

"First day?" she asks me, the school has been going for over a week now, but I couldn't get in until I paid, well alpha Thalia did.
"Yeah," I mumble, it was and I'm kind of scared around here.
"Then stay close to me, I'll get you around," she assures me going back toward her phone, while I tried to pay some attention to the class, but it was hard.

"I hate English too, my sister made me take it," she whines.
"My boss made me take it," I answer her, I don't think the alpha would mind me sharing this information.
"Your boss is mean," the girl answered with a huff.
"So is your sister," I add sticking my tongue out in a joking manner, I was just teasing, but this isn't Bambi, although she's friendly, she's a supernatural whom I've just met, I had both hands covering my mouth right away.

"I know precious, she is," the girl answers me not minding my stupid move.
"Don't beat yourself, everyone is always up-tight around me, I like having someone who'd be free to be them," she assures me smiling, I'm a magnet to the hot supernatural, this is gonna kill me one day.
"Thanks," I answer her, the rest of the class passed with the two of us talking, her teasing me every now and then, and me turning red, she doesn't have the same effect on me as alpha Thalia, but it's close enough to make me blush.

"You gotta ride home?" she asks me once the class was over, I haven't learned her name yet.
"I got to get to work, what's your name?" I ask her, I had no idea what she was called.
"I'm Melody, what about you?" she asks me.
"I'm Colin," I answer her, as we kept on walking, I saw Peter standing outside next to the black car, that's my ride.

"I gotta go," I say moving toward Peter, but she kept on following, seeing Peter standing there.
"What are you doing here Peter? I told her I'm gonna be home late," Melody says annoyed.
"I'm not here for you Miss Melody, I'm here for him," Peter says uncomfortably.

"Why?" she asks him, raising a brow at him, should I answer? Does she know the alpha or something?
"Alpha's order," was Peter's short answer, that got Melody to take off fuming with rage.
"What's wrong with her?" I whisper to Peter after we got in the car, standing out was to no use, people saw Melody walk away angry.

"She's jealous," Peter answer me as a matter of fact, but she got nothing to be jealous of, she's her, and I'm just a low case human, I don't comment, I don't think I want to know details about what's happening there.
"Melody is nothing like alpha Thalia, better stay away from her Colin," Peter warns me as we got toward the company, I left the car alone, I walked toward the elevator, heading toward Lillie's office on my own this time, no one stopped me or asked me any question.

"Hey Lillie," I say walking inside her office.
"The alpha wants you in her office," Lillie answer my greeting, I just nod and move toward the alpha's office. She was waiting for me, standing up, today she chose another dress, this one had a shorter front cut, showing more of her cleavage, when I got in, she hugged me, she pulled me into her arms.

"A...Alpha," I mumble not sure what to do or if I should even breathe facing her boobs.
"Hey, how was your first day at school?" she asks me letting me go, her eyes checking me up and down.
"It was good," I answer her, but I felt like I'm a kid who just went to his first day in kindergarten and not the university.
"Tell me more, I want details," she says holding my hand, she went to sit down behind her desk leaving me standing in front of her.

"I...I met this girl, she looks cool with bleached hair, and she called me precious," I say, it's the only interesting thing that happened today.
"A cool girl called you so?" she says in a sweet voice, I nod my head, why was I worried she's going to get mad? Maybe jealous, who am I?

"What's the cool girl's name? Is she human or wolf?" she asks me, pulling me toward her, now I'm standing between her knees, our position felt a bit intimate, but I was her prey.
"Her, her name is Melody, I think she's a wolf too," I answer her, she only hums in response, but the look in her eyes shifted, she looks jealous, should I be happy or scared, her hand went toward my face caressing my face.

"Go sit, please," she orders me now,pointing toward a chair in the other side of the room, I wanted to stay closeto her, but I couldn't, I obeyed and moved toward my own chair.

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