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Colin POV.

"Colin, you can't keep on fainting on me," Bambi scolds me waking me up, I've fainted yet again, the idea of the alpha wanting me, she's real on this thing.
"Bambi, you heard what she wants," I say still confused, dazzled, and scared about what happened.
"Yeah? It's not a bad thing Colin, belonging to an alpha would be a good thing, you'd be safe and well looked after," Bambi says, but I only give her a glare.

"Don't give that look, I've seen others who belongs to alphas, they are spoiled Colin, just hear her out before you chose!" Bambi scolds me, she have seen too many things.
"I don't want to have sex," I whine, I don't feel very attracted toward sex, I don't want to be paid for sex.
"Then talk to her, they don't always ask for sex," she scolds me, I'm going to listen the alpha out just to satisfy Bambi and my curiosity, I expected Peter to be back in, he said he'll be back, but he never did.

We both fell asleep on the bed, the nurse didn't mind Bambi sharing the bed with me, she was keeping me company the whole time, when the morning came by, Bambi was asked to get up, since the doctor had to come in and check on me, his name tag said Doctor James, he did a real quick check up, spreading some kind of ointment over my bruises that made them go all numb.
"Alpha is waiting for you outside," the doctor says, helping me sit up, he even helped me get dressed in some scrubs, my clothes were ruined.

"What about my friend?" I say worried, the doctor had to check his phone, before informing that Bambi was driven home. He walked me out of the hospital, no one talked to me about leaving the hospital, he guided me toward a car, it wasn't Peter waiting for me, it was a random guy that I don't recognize. The guy started to drive, I didn't recognize the road, or the way we're going to, this isn't the comapny's way, it's an area filled with big houses, with big mansions.
The guy parked in front of one of the homes, the gate had a big wolf howling to the moon engraved on it, we got in, he parked the car, opening the door for me, allowing me out while he stayed out in the car.

I walked toward the door, it opened when I got closer, alpha Thalia was waiting for me, she smiled and guided me in, holding my hand like she does when we're at work, she pulled me toward what looks like a living room, she took a seat wit me sitting facing her.

"I got an offer for you," she says, I nod my head, I'm here to hear her out.
"What's the offer?" I ask her, I'm stuck in her home until she allows me out.
"First, be a good boy and sit straight and hear me well," she says her voice losing the firm tone, it went just warmer and softer.
"Okay," I say looking at her now, she had my full attention.

"I'm into a lifestyle called MDLB, have you ever heard of it?" She asks and I shake my head no, I heard of bills and poverty lifestyle only.
"It's a lifestyle where a woman takes the dominant side of the relationship, while the boy, takes the role of being her little baby, the boy in this relationship is into something called age regression, where they go into a headspace that's younger than what they are," she explains but then stops giving me a minute to keep up.

A lifestyle where she's the one in charge while her partner acts like a baby? I nod my head yes waiting for her to continue, what does that have to do with her offer?

"Now what I'm offering you Colin is a one-time offer, I want you to be my baby," she says, I knew she wants me, but not like this.
"Like...like your sugar baby?" I ask her, I don't want to be that.
"No, Colin, a literal baby, I'll dress you, feed you, discipline you. You'll belong to me and you'll love it, I assure you," she says, did she say discipline me?

"Discipline?" I repeat the word.
"Yes discipline as in mommy would take you over her knee and spank your cute little bum until you learn your lesson," the way she said those words sounded hot, except they didn't, it felt like something painful to my bum.

"Mommy?" I say that's the word she used, I expected mistress or something like that not mommy.
"Yes mommy, mdlb stands for mommy dom little boy, you got it?" She says, it does make sense now, she's the mommy and I'm the little boy.

"What, and how would this work?" I ask her, I need to know some more details.
"It would work by you obeying me, I'll take care of everything you need and want, you'll be paid for your services, of course, a very generous amount, a bank account would be set for you, you'll get two days off every month where you can spend that money," she starts getting a slip of paper and writing the number down, I don't think I'm even able to read the number with how many zeros there are.

"Now other than making a good amount of money, everything you need would be provided for you, food, clothes, shelter, sex," she says casually.
"W...where?" I ask her, does she expects me to go to her house? Stay in the company? Meet up in some random hotel for a few hours.

"This is a twenty-four/seven kind of a job, you'll be with me the whole time except when you get your two days off," she says.
"With you?" I ask her, does she expects me to kneel next to her feet the whole day.

"Yes, with me Colin, you'll come with me to the company like you did for the last week, you'll company me to any kind of dinners, travelling, you'll be staying in my bedroom too, I need to have access to you the whole time to be able to take care of you," she says but that only made me go red, she needs access to me! It felt dirty.

"Would you... would you..." I stutter unable to finish my sentence.
"Would I what Colin, talk freely, there's no need to be shy," she says, I took a breath and asked her my question.
"Would you be having sex with me?" I ask her my whole face being red, sugar babies have sex with their partners, I know Bambi does.

"No, I won't, if you feel the need I wouldhelp you out or get you, someone, to do the job," she says, I feltrelieved and worried at the same time.

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