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Colin POV.

"I finished," handing her the phone back, I'm still stunned by the contract, it's nothing like being a sugar baby who gets money for looking pretty and having sex, I wasn't even expected to have sex. Although I told Bambi I'm not going home, I'm not sure how to think about this, if I want to do this or not.
"Do you have any questions?" She asked me, I had many questions! But non that I was ready to share, she wants me to be a literal baby for her, and not pretend, oh no, I have to actually feel it.

"Uhhhh...." I say not knowing how to answer her, that got her to move toward me, she got on one knee, holding my hand.
"Yes, Colin? Is there anything in the contract that you can not provide for me? Any point that isn't clear?" She asks this time like she's talking to a small baby, everything was clear, everything but me! Do I want to do this? Or should I run out of the door and hide!

"Can I think this through?" I ask her, maybe I should go home and think this through, is poverty worse than being a baby again.
"I'm sorry I can't let you do that, you either sign this contract and stay with me or leave and never come back," she says, I felt tears starting to fill my eyes, I'm eighteen years old, but am I ready to live as if I'm a baby for three full years.

"Don't cry Colin, I'll give you ten extra minutes to think this through," she orders me, I obeyed her, obeying her is so natural, she got such a strong aura compared to mine and all I want to do is simply obey her.
This is my second chance of childhood, there's big money waiting for me, I can live a very happy life with that money, I can make my mom sit at home and stop her work, I can help Bambi with her payments, she won't need to work as often as she does now. Thalia can't be that bad, she just wants a little baby, all the rules are logical, I get to say I work for the alpha and CEO of Moon and howl, that's a really big thing, I think I just talked myself into this.

"Uhhh...Alpha Thalia, I accept," I say before I could change my mind again.
"That's great little one, let's sign then, but you should understand that the second you sign that contract you'll belong to me and me only for the next three years, am I clear?" She says, I nod my head yes.

"You can't have another master other than me Colin no girlfriend or boyfriend either, I'll own you for the next three years," she warns me again, is she trying to talk me out of this or what!
"Okay, I understand," I agree, I didn't have anyone else to begin with, I'm single.

"Sign here, here, and here," she says pointing to where I should sign, I wrote my name, and she signed it next, taking the contract and my hand in hers, she walked through the maze that's her home, until we got into an office similar to the one in the company placing. She got the contract all scanned, then moved a painting behind her desk, they were hiding in the wall was safe, she clicked some numbers and opened the safe placing the contract inside it.

"You'll get a digital copy of the contract the original stays safe with me," she informs me, but she doesn't sit back again, instead she came toward my side of the office, she stood right in front of me, her hand went to my hair caressing it.
"Now my little boy, let's get you all dressed up and ready," she says with a smile, I gulped worried about what gonna happen now, she held my hand yet again and dragged me with her toward what looked to be a bedroom? It got a giant bed in the middle of the room, with a dark canopy covering the four-poster bed.

"Strip," she order me, I looked at her with shock.
"What?" I ask her.
"This is the only time I'll repeat my words, Colin, strip," she says in a cold voice, too afraid I obey her, standing up, taking the scrubs off, staying in just my boxers.

"That too," she order, if my cheeks could go any redder they would, I took my boxers off too. She eyed me up and down taking my whole body in, she offered me a hand, and I silently gave her mine and followed her but naked to an adjacent room in her room, it was the bathroom, the fanciest bathroom I've ever had seen.

She turned the water on in the shower, adjusting it until it got all warm, she then pushed me under the warm water, scrubbing my body clean, the bruises were mostly gone the ointment the doctor used on me had every bruise gone. The water ran brown underneath me, I was clearly dirty, the soap and shampoo she used on me made me feel and smell like a child, is this what being rich feels like? Once she was done, she wrapped me in a towel, got me out of the shower, she walked us back toward her room, placing me on her bed. Drying me clean, using lotions all over my body, covering me from head to toe, making me smell even more childish, next she brushed my blond hair.

"You need a good haircut," she says, I agree, Bambi didn't do a good job trimming my hair. Finally, she got clothes ready for me, boxers with trains on them, a shirt that buttoned down between my thighs, followed by jeans overall, the last step was socks and new shoes, the clothes fit me perfectly and were waiting for me in her house, how long had she been getting things ready? Was she just waiting for the opportunity to get me?

"How long did you have everything?" I ask her curiously.
"Since the first day you were hired, this is the real job I wanted to give you, but I wanted to give you a chance to get used to me before offering it," she says, the attack was the perfect opportunity.
"Good thing you waited, or I would have taken off running," I say blushing, that only made her chuckle, she turned her back to me stripping out of her clothes, showing her body as she got dressed and ready for the day.

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