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Colin POV.

"Colin, wake up, please," I heard a voice say with tears, it was a sad voice, one that I recognize but don't in the same time, someone was crying, but I didn't know who that is.
"Col...I'm gonna...call..." the voice says but I couldn't tell the words anymore, darkness took me away, my body hurt, my whole body hurt, I allowed the darkness to take over.

I felt my broken body being moved, I tried to remember everything that happened after I told them I got the money and not Bambi, they turned to me, they kept on hitting me, I've fallen to the ground, they kept on hitting me, kicking me everywhere they could reach, I was in really vulnerable space when they took the money, the shopping bags, everything on me and got away, I was grateful to be left alone on the street, even if that meant I'm going to die here, dying is much easier than being made into a blood bag for the vampires.

Then the voice who was crying, that must be Bambi, she must have come back here for, that means she's alive, they haven't kidnapped her either, I was happy that she's safe enough to come over and check on me, now I could let the darkness take over again, the next time I felt myself waking up, feeling what's going around me, I was being moved, great, at least I won't die in the middle of the dark street, I'm being moved, hopefully back home, I want to die there.

"What happened?" another familiar voice says, I was now laying, my head in Bambi, I guess it's Bambi's lap, it smelled like Bambi, along with some of my blood stuck up in my nose, I'm still conscious enough to hear and feel them so far, they're taking me somewhere, but I have no idea where.
"I didn't know who to call, I hoped you'd care enough," Bambi answered the familiar voice, who cares? No one cares about me but Bambi, we only got each other and no one else here for us, we gotta do it, we gotta survive.

"We're almost there," the voice says, I know it, I've heard that voice before, it's Peter, but what's Peter doing here, where are we going?
"Okay, just stay with us Colin, please don't leave me," Bambi begs me, where would I leave her, I love her, she's like a sister to me, I'd never leave her.
"H...here...I..." I try to assure Bambi I won't leave her, but I couldn't get the words out, she shushes me, she wants me to answer and shush at the same time?

"We're here," Peter says, picking me off Bambi's lap, and running somewhere with me, the quick movement got me to pass out again, I don't know what happened, I was out of it, just dreaming, I was dreaming about alpha Thalia, I want her to come and hold me, but I had no right to be wanting her, or to expect her to come over here.

I woke up on my own, not sure when, but some time must have passed as I was out of it, as I was so deep in sleep that I couldn't feel or know what was going around me, I opened my eyes seeing what looks like a hospital room, I looked down at my hand seeing an IV hooked up to it, I frowned at that, I hate needles I always did growing up, and even when I was just a kid, I hated taking any kind of injection.
I turned around me, trying to ignore the big giant needle, in my hand, I looked to my side, seeing Bambi, she was asleep in her chair, the poor baby.
"Bambi," I whispered to her, hoping she'd wake up, but she didn't I called her again, raising my voice this time, "Bambi,".

Bambi jumped up in her seat looking around to why she was being awakened, I smiled or at least tried to, my whole face hurt, and I can't move it on any side. Her face fell when she saw me, she was on the verge of tears again, but I don't want her to cry, I patted the area next to me on the bed, it was much more comfortable than the chair, she did move next to me, we're both laying on the same pillow now.

"You okay?" she asks me, I nodded but that hurt, I can't nod my head either.
"Yes," I answer her instead, my voice sounded real rough, like I've just eaten a bunch of nails.
"I thought we lost you," Bambi says on the verge of tears again, I tried to pet her back, but it was hard with my whole body being in pain.

"It's okay, I'm alive, I was worried about you," I confess, I really was worried about her.
"You took a bad beating for me," she says, but the honesty is I was worried they'd take her, she's pretty, even if she doesn't want to believe it.
"I got your back," I inform her again, she nods her head, closing her eyes, ready to fall asleep again next to me.

"Who got me here?" I ask her, why I'm here? We can't afford a hospital.
"Don't be mad, but I called your alpha boss, she was worried too and sent the big scary guy who drove us here," she says, the big scary guy is Peter, he's the one I heard him talking.
"Good thing you did, I was worried I'm gonna die," I say, I really thought I'm gonna be dead.
"No leaving me behind," she warns me, I just nod my head yes, I won't leave her behind.

There was a knock on our door and in came Peter, he saw us laying on the same bed, his face broke into a smile, he took the seat Bambi was laying in, with both of our eyes following him.
"I need to talk to you, alone," he says, but he can say anything in front of Bambi, I'm going to tell her the same thing once he leaves.

"You can say everything in front of her, we share everything," I assure him.
"This is kind of private Colin," he warns me, but nothing is too private between the two of us.
"I knew when his first pubic hair came out," Bambi answers for me making me go red, she can't say that, I tried to slap her side, but it hot me more than it hurt her.

"The alpha wants to have you..." Petersays making both mine and Bambi's mouths fall open.
"I'll give you time to think it through," Peter adds leaving theroom, I think I blacked out again.

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