New World.

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Colin POV.

A whole new world, one that we aren't in charge of, one that sent us down to the bottom of the food chain, that kind of a whole new world, not the old Disney song. The year is, heck, I don't know, humans stopped counting a long time ago, what's the point of counting when you're at the bottom of the pyramid when your life means nothing. We stopped counting, instead of the world moving forward, instead of that, we moved down the hills, supernatural had enough with our shit not long after world war four, like how many times are we going to start new wars.

We were hurting the planet, hurting the resources, cutting down the trees, we did everything that hurt them, and for things to get even worse, the planet was almost unlivable for us humans, a new war was on the verge of happening, world war five was on the way, that's when they hit the breaks, they told us that's enough. The humans are going to be put back in their place, at the bottom of the food chains. Wolves, vampires, and other supernatural, but mostly wolves and vampires, they divided the world between them, leaving only a small part of it for the humans, we aren't allowed to be in charge anymore, we aren't allowed to be in charge, only them, and they did well.

In just a hundred years they've ended the global warming problem, they made all of the cars fuel-efficient, they found new renewable resources, ones that won't kill our planets, trees were planted again, animals were out running freely, the world was better than it ever been. We don't mention the parts that aren't habited anymore, the parts that the humans have ruined so badly, the supernatural decided to bury them under a lot of sand, out of sight, out of mind, maybe in another hundred year the planet would heal what we ruined, but until then, it's habitat for the humans who love to call themselves the resistance, people who are refusing to understand the supernatural are in charge now. Personally, I don't mind them being in charge, they did well, they saved a dying planet and kept humans from death and extinction.

Now enough of the planet and dying, it was saved, go supernatural go! I, on the other hand, am only human, I'm at the bottom of the bottom, I'm an eighteen year old with big dreams, well my dreams include eating, and keeping a roof over my head, but my next dream, my biggest dream yet is to go to college, I went in with a scholarship, I'm a good student! And we can't always blame the supernatural, they do help the humans from time to time, we could learn, we could work, and we could live.

But that's not the problem, my bigger problem is paying for the college, my scholarship doesn't cover everything, and I still need to get there and back home, I owned a bike, but it only took me so far. I need to find a job, one that could help with the bills, I live with my mother, she works to keep a roof over our head. Humans' jobs are mostly low paying jobs, cleaning jobs, ones that are too dirty for the supernatural to work, mom work as a maid in one of the vampire's houses, they pay her enough for her but not to send me to college.

"Mom, I need a job," I whine yet again, she's not going to help me for real, but I could whine over her head.
"The only jobs available are full times, if you would drop that stupid college dream of yours, and take the job over the house I'm working at," mom answers me.

She wants me to take the job of a maid in the house she works over, but vampires aren't nice bosses, when you are in their homes, they could take a bite out of your neck, a snack, a way to keep us humans down and low, to scare us into obedience, I saw her injuries and her bruises, it was nothing that I want to try for myself.
"Mom, I'm not dropping out of college, I can find a part-time job, I'm sure someone would take me," I say but I wasn't sure at all, no part-time jobs were available for a hardly adult with no experience.

"The college won't do you any well," mom says, she's against me trying to learn anything, I should just start working right away, but I'm not a slave who'd work his whole life and never try to fix his status, I want to learn, I want to get a better job than just a cleaner or an errand boy for the vampires. The vampires are officially the worse supernatural out there, they are ruthless, who'd bite any kind of creature that walks on two feet, and they scare the shit out of me.

"Thanks, mom," I say wanting to end the chat, there was a knock on the door, it's my way out, I jumped and ran toward the door to open it, I saw Bambi my best friend there, I held her hand and dragged her out of the house with me, humans live in old houses, ones that are hardly standing anymore, but they are ours.
"Mom, I'm out with Bambi," I yell back to the house, I dragged Bambi out toward our backyard, it's not any good, it's filled with dead grass, dead trees and junk, nothing pretty around here.

"Hey, girl," I say taking a seat on the steps of my house, she had one of her short skirts on, Bambi is a short girl with long hair, she's beautiful with creme skin and red hair.
"Hey, what were you two fighting over?" she asks me, but we weren't fighting, I gave her one of my looks.
"We weren't fighting," I assure her, but she only rolls her eyes at me.

"I know that look on your face, it only comes when you are upset, and she always upset you," she says, my friend knows me way too much.
"Fine, I'm searching for a part-time job and she wants me to drop out," I say on the verge of tears, I don't want to drop out, I want to finish my education," I whine, I didn't want to drop out.
"You can work with me," Bambi offers, but her kind of work wasn't one I'd be able to do, I shook my head no, I'm better off searching for a job on my own.

Thalia.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن