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Xander's birthday party was well prepared for and it was as grand as the MET gala that there's even a photoshoot at the gate for every person arriving. I was just taking a peek on my window but I could see everything. I don't think I've celebrated a birthday like this in my life. Though, to me, the way I see things panning out, this was going to be the last birthday that Xander was ever going to celebrate in this household. Xander mentioned that he's going to be kicked out of the house once this party was over and I felt slightly bothered and sad by that.

The outfit that was given to me to wear was draped on the bed and it was just waiting for me to slip on them for the entire hour. It was a yellow suit with touches of black and a few sparkling stones. I don't even want to be invited to this party and that's all because I'm developing such laziness. I'm very lazy to go out there and meet new people.

Right after slipping on the suit that was provided for me, I looked over at reflection in front of the mirror and I realized I was just a spitting image of my dad and quite frankly, my half-brother too. The only difference that we have is that my dad's evidently mature and older and Xander's slightly slender and shorter. Everything else, the face, the hair and even the smile, we all got it in such a similar fashion. My dad's genes are really that strong that the two guys in his bloodline got his features almost impeccably. I'm not surprised if I see someone who looks just like me and then I eventually find out my dad has a third wife or something.

Before going out of my room, I decided to tweak my appearance a little bit just so I won't get as much attention. Even though I wanted to pass as an invisible person in this party, I don't think I will ever be as invisible as I want things to be. This is Xander's birthday and I'm literally a nobody here. I don't want people mistaking me for Xander at all. I ended up putting some eyeliner just to make my eyes darker. I wore some earrings too. I searched through the cabinets and I found some glasses that's only meant for fashion. I put them on and when I looked at myself in front of the mirror, I was sure I was discernable to be a different person.

When I got downstairs, I was slightly getting nervous. All of the guests have arrived in their black and yellow outfits. The entire house was crowded with yet again, another batch of strangers. In my head, I was planning of avoiding anyone even though I know that's statistically impossible. Some of the people who came are Xander's friends from school, some are people from the neighborhood and others were my dad's wife's friends. But most of them are dad's friends and business partners. I could tell it from their age and I also overheard some of them exchanging information about business and other stuff that is completely unrelated to Xander. This somehow, became a summit.

I thought this was nothing but a shindig but I never really thought there's going to be an actual program. They even hired a host, some performers such as dancers and singers as if this was an actual wedding when it's just a birthday party. Now, it's really making me deduce that this is a send-off party for my brother Xander. Somehow, in a way, I feel sorry for him that kicking him out of the house needed to be celebrated in such a grand shindig. Like, go on Xander, be an adult, get your shit together and be free.

But out of all the invited performers, what took me by surprise was the presence of some drag queens who lip-synced and gave such a performance that the crowd thoroughly enjoyed. It led me to believe that dad's not really a homophobic person as what I was thinking of him because if he was then he'd be kicking these drag queens out of this place yet he did not. In fact, I saw him talking to one of them right now. I was trying to read their lip hoping to comprehend what they were talking about but I got nothing. When I turned around, I accidentally bumped into this guy and I actually spilled my champagne on him.

"Oh, shit!" I cursed out. "I-I'm sorry sir, let me call somebody."

"No, no. It's fine. I got this." The guy quickly fished out a handkerchief from his pocket and then started wiping the wet part on his suit. Luckily enough for me, it got spilled on the black part of his suit making it invisible to the eye. "It'll dry out anyway. You don't have to worry."

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