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Oh boy, was it undoubtedly worthy saying yes to Xavier's simple favor. He just wanted to talk and yes, the reason why I'm not initially willing to budge in was because I detested him that much. I didn't realize that me waking up in bed with him fully naked would eventually change the course of our relationship. He just admitted to me that he liked kissing me and should I be flattered? Am I a good kisser even though I'm aware that he's the only person I've kissed so far? Should I feel like I'm a special person for that?

Xavier motherfucking Rockwell have had the biggest character curve ball in less than a month and I'm super gagged to the core. One day he was just beating the shit out of me and the next thing I know; he was begging for a kiss. Isn't that wild? It is really wild and to think that what happened earlier was like some sort of a freaky Friday but it's on Tuesday was unbelievable.

It took me more than three hours before drowsiness visited me and that's mostly because I have been quietly digesting what just happened earlier. I'm certainly aware of this good feeling that me and Xavier, in the words of Lala, have squashed our beef. I don't want to add the word finally to that but it feels right. I know a simple apology isn't enough to make up for all of the horrible stuff that Xavier did towards me but that's a step closer. I didn't realize that asshole has the ability for a redemption arc and I'm not a monster myself. I'm going to let him make up for everything.

My grandmother used to say that you could kill people with kindness and quite frankly, I wasn't listening to that one. Selena Gomez had a song just like that and maybe I should give it a chance. I may not have been the kindest but at least I wasn't as vindictive and I didn't go my way and implore a certain revenge plot towards Xavier. The point is, Xavier has gone through a lot and maybe he's an asshole because he's been treated like one or maybe I should say, he's continuously being treated horribly. As far as I know, his father was the asshole for marrying his mother when he's already married in the first place. That's some shitty womanizer move and I'm starting to understand Xavier.

I don't really want to admit it but am I starting to become a simp for Xavier? It sounds disgusting when you've been bullied by that person for years that it made you feel less and shitty. And I'm confident that Jane and Nikki would agree that it's really gross to be a simp. Well, Jane on the other hand, might actually be the open minded person. Jane has always been the type of person who's optimistic while Nikki was the feisty one.

Speaking of my two best friends, I'm not yet ready to tell them about Xavier. I don't exactly know when I'm going to be ready but I know now isn't the right time. I'm pretty sure they would have the biggest reaction. Jane might be the melodramatic one while Nikki would probably be animated or perhaps comically shocked by it.

I begged for the mercy of sleep to come and rescue me from this uneasiness. I couldn't bring my thoughts to a calm and for the first time in a long while, I kept on thinking about Xavier. I don't think I've met someone who's willing to admit their wrongdoing and shitty actions. I honestly would say that I'm quite intrigued to get to know him better than ever. The Xavier that I spoke with today was simply a good person. Maybe there's really a good person inside him that's just cloaked by the toughness. Perhaps he's only acting like a bad boy because he's trying to protect himself from something.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt relatively better than ever. It's like I've been living in a paradise decorated with rainbows and butterflies and unicorns. I was singing inside the shower and I wasn't even aware that I was smiling wide enough until my mom had to bring it out again at the breakfast table. My mom's been obsessed with me and I do understand that mainly because I'm an only child and all focus are on me. Even my dad, he gets really annoying towards me when he's not busy with his job.

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