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"I guess this is goodbye then." Bursting with reluctance on the inside, I opened my mouth and spoke nervously breaking the reign of silence. Little did Jordi know, I'm on the verge of shutting down noting that this was the end of the walk.

Things between me and Xavier just went from floating on cloud nine to an awkward state. I genuinely enjoyed walking Jordi home even though he almost got ran over by a school bus when I was chasing him. I don't know if he could read me but I was kind of hoping this won't be the end of our day. Unfortunately, Jordi does not look like he's going to invite me inside their house and I do get why he does not want to. Perhaps to him, I'm probably still an asshole and I'm okay with it. I should really work hard on getting on his good graces.

"Goodbye? What in the hell are you talking about, Xavier? We're still going to see each other at school tomorrow." Jordi chuckled which sounded adorable. I haven't heard him release such a mirthful laughter and in such an odd way, his laughter absolved my inner reluctance. I was really planning on talking a lot just so I could purposely spend more time with him but he's most definitely right. This was just a temporary goodbye and we'll eventually hang out later.

"Oh yeah. So, see you at school then?" I replied slowly gathering some excitement for tomorrow.

"Yeah, see you."

Still having one percent of unwillingness inside of me, I slowly turned around and started walking out of the porch. "I really liked talking to you." I heard him yell from behind. That statement was more than enough to seal the deal for me. Jordi's willing to spend more time with me and I'm going to plan things out for that.

I quickly turned back around and yelled right back at him. "Yeah, me too."

Walking Jordi home was the logical next step to getting even closer to him. While I have dated a few gorgeous ladies in my life, this whole thing with Jordi felt entirely new. Quite frankly, I'm still learning how to deal with this.

As I was walking alone, I was gradually accumulating a feeling of regret. I should've just kissed Jordi when I had the chance. I was looking at his luscious lips and all I could think about was kissing him. The truth is, I have never seen a mouth that I would kill to kiss. I'm quite terrified but I just can't resist this urge.

When I got home after that long walkathon from Jordi's house, I was utterly bewildered to find my mom a teeny bit sober. Luckily, Hector wasn't home and I was able to capitalize on having my own mother even just for a short while. I haven't seen my mom like this visibly sane in quite a long while.

"Hey, mom!" I chirped, she was working on something in the kitchen.

"Hi, sweetie." She greeted back sporting such a bright smile that I haven't witnessed ever since the day we moved in this apartment. She rushed towards me and eventually gave me a quick hug. I was hoping to hug her even tighter but I guess she was more than occupied by what she was doing that she immediately inched her way back. "I'm cooking dinner for today. It's your favorite!"


"Paella!!! I'm going to cook it just the way you like it."

"Aww, mom, you didn't have to. Where'd you get the mo..."

Before I could even finish my sentence, she cut me off. "It doesn't matter, Xavier. Don't you miss mommy's cooking?"

I was just wondering where'd she got the money from but I guess I shouldn't be a negative Nancy about it. If anything, I should be more than grateful that I'm going to taste my mother's cooking because I surely missed them.

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