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I made my way to sex ed. in a visible daze. I haven't had any good night sleep in over a week mostly because my mom had been very disrespectful to me. We sort of swapped places; she was the fucked up teenager who's trying to figure out life while I became the grown person who's been trying to understand her shitty actions. After taking home that young man named Jackson, my mom hooked up with two other men and it was as if she's just using them to wash away her thirst. One of them was just about her age which was fine for me and the other one was basically an old man in his late fifty's.

"Thank you for joining us Mr. Rockwell." Mrs. Harding said in a disparaging tone. The funny thing was, there's a picture of an anus flashed right in front.

I didn't even realize when I first walked in that the class had already started. I hurried to my seat realizing that fact that my head's not in a right place.

"Now, as I was saying earlier, the anus or as some of the gays out there call the backdo—" Mrs. Harding went on with her lesson but then someone had the audacity to cut her off.

"Anus, hahaha. That's like Jordi's favorite body part." One of the boys chuckled and it quickly caught Mrs. Harding's attention.

"Who said that?" She turned her focus towards the class. "Was it you, Rockwell?" She pointed her stick immediately towards my direction as if I was the one who said it. I wasn't as surprised about it though. I've been such a shitty person that even some of the teachers knows that.

"No, it wasn't me." I shook my head with such a low energy. I just came in late and things are already starting to rot for me.

"It was Ron." Michiko quickly interjected eventually saving me from being put into the spotlight.

"Mr. Peterson! Stand up!" Mrs. Harding yelled shifting her focus towards Ron.

Ron turned red and as he stood up, I took the small moment to steal a simple glance at Jordi. I miss him so much that I just want to get up and throw myself right into his spot. He's been thoroughly avoiding me for the entire week and who's to blame but me and my fucked up decisions in life. I did all of these to myself. I have not attempted to talk to him ever since what happened last time mostly because I was afraid of getting rejected and disparagingly shunned again.

Jordi seemed to have made his own decision and who am I to try and flip that? Who am I to force myself into his life when I've been hurting him this whole time?

"Have you forgotten that this class has no room for people like you?" Mrs. Harding implored. "Is that how your parents raised you?"

"No, Mrs. Harding. I-I'm sorry." Gritting with an embarrassed tone, Ron replied with his head bowed down.

"Don't be sorry, Peterson, be better!" The look engraved on Mrs. Harding's eyes was pretty much serious and if that was me, I would've been in a different situation and most probably even worse than this. "This class is called sex education for a damn reason. I'm teaching everything there is to teach about sex, including anal sex. Some of you might think it's inappropriate but it's not, that's still part of this world. Your attitude towards it is the one that's inappropriate." Mrs. Harding put her hands on her waist and took a heavy breath before eventually continuing. "All of you are young and naive and sort of finding yourselves. I also went through your age and I'm going to say, it's really difficult being a teenager and lost at sea. I'm sure a lot of you are having your own little experiment with a certain someone whether it's a man or a woman or maybe even your socks. And that's why I'm here to teach you the things you need to know."

"I'm sorry—"

"Now, as much as I want you to get out of my sight, I still want you to listen to my lesson. Bring yourself right in front, Mr. Peterson."

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