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It took me almost five minutes and a whole moment of standing right in the middle of the new bedroom before I realized that my dad's not going to let me return back to the place that he bought for me. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw everything. The entire bedroom was already fixed and prepared for my arrival and it became extra hard for me to let everything sink in.

The bedroom was clearly spacious for one person and I must say, it's three times bigger than the space that we used to have back in our old little apartment. I don't know if that's good news for me or not. I guess I should've sniffed the situation sooner and expected this knowing my dad and his tycoon status. I laid down all of my baggage on the floor and started walking around the entire room.

There's a king size bed right in the middle of the room and facing it was a flat screen TV set along with some XBOX and PlayStation. Those are the kind of things that I never had ever since dad left us. I certainly don't know how many inches the TV screen was but it was really wide for my eyes. Above the TV screen, there's a little painting of my childhood from eight years ago. I didn't know something like it existed but perhaps dad asked someone to paint a certain photo of me. Staring at the painting, it brought me some of the few genuine and happy memories that I have with my dad. I thought I've blocked all of it from my memories and yet here I am reminiscing those times. I have to quickly remove my attention off of the painting because I don't want to get emotional when I just got here.

I walked throughout the entire room and I found out that I have my very own walk-in closet. I checked every single cabinet and compartment and to my surprise, they were filled with clothes, shoes, bags, watches, necklaces. Everything. The entire walk-in closet was filled with expensive stuff and I was even surprised that most of them are those brands that I only dreamt of wearing.

I checked my own bathroom and it was just the same as the walk-in closet. It was filled with a lot of stuff and I just don't know how to react. I have my own computer and almost everything that I never had in my life.

"Do you like your new bedroom?" My dad showed up spontaneously startling me just as I settled down on this newly bought mattress. I was just feeling how freaking soft it was but I guess I'm going to have to check that some other time.

"Am I not going to go back to the condo?" I immediately asked the question that was formed inside my head when I first got here and dad's expression was in a state of shock.

"I... I was just going to tell that to you. But I guess you've managed to figure things out before I could even say it to you." The expression of shock in his face eventually faded.

"I'm..." I paused and took a deep breath. I wanted to scream at him but I know this wasn't the right place for me to do that. I'm inside a very different territory. I don't want to create a commotion and possibly let people know how much of a short-fuse I could be. "Dad, I'm not yet ready to settle here." I ended up telling how much I truly feel.

"I'm aware of that, son. But we are ready for you to settle here." He got near where I was seated. "I've talked to my wife and she's okay with." He added but I just don't quite believe him with that. Part of me thinks he forced that poor woman to accept me and I don't want anything that's forced on me.

"What about Xiomara a-and Xander?"

"Xander's cool with it. Xiomara, she'll have to deal with it. That kid's really a pain in the ass but she'll have to accept you whether she like it or not. Now, freshen up and meet us downstairs in twenty. Dinner's about to be served."

Once my dad left the room, I was immediately engulfed with absolute panic. This isn't my first dinner with the family but it is the first dinner where it's only going to be us. That sounded a lot more dreadful than the last time I was here. This time around, they are actually going to be able to talk to me up close and personal. Honestly, I don't know what to do because I could still remember what happened last time.

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