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I feel miserable but as I locked my eyes on my target, I became even more determined to iron this rift. I created this mess myself and I don't expect anyone to fix it for me because that's not how life goes. Besides, I don't want Michiko to have the last laugh. She may have outed me to my mother, I still had the last laugh with that. I'm going to make sure she's not going to win with ruining my life.

Xavier walked out of the school premises and as he continued to walk on foot, I imagined those times we used to meet in clandestine. Those were the times when loves flourishing that even when we are hiding from the world, we were still feeling the heat and passion and the giddy moments all at once. Sadly, for me, someone decided to take that away like they have the right to bring chaos into my life. I know I'm part of that reason but I could easily have avoided this mess if it's only on me.

Xavier eventually got to the stop and took the bus going home. I had enough pinch of bravery to ride the same bus that he was in. Thankfully for my case, I chose to wear a sweater with a hood today that I was able to move in a semi-invisible manner as if I'm some shadow stalking its very own prey. That's right, Xavier was my prey.

It's truly funny to think that we both went from hating each other to finding romance in between and now, I'm the one desperate enough to follow Xavier. Before this, he was the one following me but the tables have turned. Yes, I admit I'm truly harboring desperation and it's like I'm addicted to Xavier that I wanted him so back so bad. I missed him so much and I don't think my world will ever be the same if I'm going to fail this pursuit.

By the time Xavier got the nearest bus stop going to his condo unit, I was more than prepared to follow him right until I corner him to where he can't budge. I was moving easily spotless like a true stalker that I managed to follow him until he was already entering the elevator. I chose not to take the elevator because I'm afraid he'll push me away and thus my plan and efforts would go to waste. I ended up choosing to take the stairs.

After taking a hundred steps, I eventually regretted taking the stairs. Maybe I should've just waited for the elevator to come back down. Anyway, as I reached Xavier's floor, my exhaustion didn't matter. I quickly brought myself right in front of his door and when I checked if it was opened, a wide curve slit through my face. I was glad he left it open.

I grabbed the door handle, slowly twisted it until I heard the faint ticking sound which meant I'm all free to enter Xavier's place. I pushed the door in a gentle manner hoping that it won't create any loud creaking sound and it didn't. Eventually, I looked around before finally tiptoeing my way inside. I slowly shut the door and when I turned around, the space was visibly empty. No signs of Xavier.

I looked outside the balcony and eventually brought myself inside his bedroom and he wasn't anywhere to be found. Maybe he's inside the bathroom, I thought to myself. I inched my way towards the bathroom door and yes, Xavier was inside. I could hear the showers trickling.

As I waited for Xavier to emerge out of the bathroom, I was already preparing myself for whatever shit that would come my way.

Is he going to talk to me?

Is he going to let me explain everything?

Is he willing to hear my side of the story? Not that my story's the correct one but I just want to be honest with him.

Is he going to ignore me like he's been doing the entire time?

What is he going to do?

I know I have to brace myself from whatever crap Xavier's going to pull on me. Unlike me, he used to be uptight and I'm intricately aware that this is going to be difficult.

The Badboy's Heartbeat [BxB] √Where stories live. Discover now