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You only live once, be anything but you. That's what my beloved grandma used to say to me before death finally kissed her ass. She was mostly correct about it, although, she never mentioned to me that it could be a nightmare too.


I heard a familiar voice screaming from behind and just when I turned around, a soccer ball just hit me hard right in the face. It was Xavier fucking Rockwell, and he's the nightmare that I'm talking about.

"AWWWW!!! What in the fucking hell!" I cried out in utter pain. The impact of the ball was agonizing even more than the last time that it hit me in the belly.

"HAHAHAHA!!!" His annoying laughter just made things feel even worse.

"You fucking prick!" I yelled at him. "Why'd you hit in the face like that?"

"Don't you like balls on your face, eh?" Xavier uttered. He appeared thoroughly amused at the sight of me being in pain.

"Scram, asshole!!!" Nikki scowled at Xavier before eventually pulling me to a corner.

"Are you alright, Jordi?" Jane asked gently touching my forehead.

"I just got hit by a soccer ball, what part of that does not hurt?" I replied dosed with sarcasm.

Ever since I came out last year, my life has become both liberating and a nightmare. The liberating part was my favorite, however, the nightmare part truly digs into my skin like syringe needles. Sometimes, I really do regret announcing my true sexuality towards the whole campus because now, every straight boy thinks I want to suck theirs.

I absolutely thought I was the bravest one stepping into that pedestal and just spontaneously announcing to the whole school that I'm gay. It wasn't the best decision that I did and I wish I should've just kept it within my circle.

"Why do you keep on letting that asshole pick on you?" Nikki inquired flipping her long weave to the side.

"Duh, look at him. He's six-foot-tall, how am I supposed to fight him with these thin arms? I barely even have muscles in me."

"Jordi's right, Nikki." Jane uttered backing up what I just said. "Xavier just love to pick on the weaker men."

"Wow, Jane! That's utterly offensive to say but yeah, I guess I'm one of the weaker men." I nodded agreeing to what Jane had just said.

Being gay doesn't automatically result to someone being weak, however, in my current case, I'm truly fragile and I'm not even going to deny all of that. I grew up as a sickly child and that's probably the reason why my mom got so overprotective of me.

"Honestly though, Xavier Rockwell's actually hot." Nikki spat out of the blue and she even sounded dreamy about it.

"I know right, he's even hotter than my boyfriend." Jane followed up which just added some more insult to my injury. I don't know if I should feel good about it but Nikki and Jane were just being Nikki and Jane.

"I wonder if he's truly packing something down there?!" Nikki went on.

"You two are fucking thirsty traitors. He just kicked a soccer ball on my face and you're still worried if he's truly packing something down there?" I spat out and they both just looked at each other then went onto a hysterical burst of laughter.

Nikki, Jane and I have been friends ever since grade school. Usually, friends you meet during grade school don't normally stay longer until you reach high school but apparently, the three of us managed to outlast that curse. Part of the reason why was most probably because we usually insult each other with such crisp. Though, when it comes to a more serious situation we're always supportive of each other.

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