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The bathroom floor became my ground for solace once again. I thought I have already moved past this era of my life but this day proved I haven't and I don't think I will. High school is without a doubt, an extra messy era in everyone's life. On one end, it could be the happiest years of your life and could be filled with wild and ecstatic adventures. But for most people, it could be the shittiest rollercoaster of a lifetime. One day, you could be giggling and erupting with love bubbles of rainbows and butterflies and then when you wake up the next day, you are shedding tears and wishing the world was a better place. This day was just another one of those shitty days that I have to live through. I feel really cheated by the universe.

The cold water trickling from the shower wasn't enough to equalize whatever anguish I was feeling on the inside and surely, it wasn't enough to alleviate it. And as I emerged from the shower forty-five minutes later, I was still panicking about my current situation. Michiko's such a sketchy psycho bitch and people have been telling me that. I don't understand why she needs to keep people's dirt just to stay atop the high school hierarchy. This is probably why I never liked her in the first place.

After slipping on some fresh clothes, I found myself dialing Xavier's phone number. I'm thoroughly stress out. I understand the reason why he's been ignoring me and he must be in so much anguish just as I was. The only difference between us is that I'm dealing with much higher anxiety. Apart from my relationship with Xavier being ruined, Michiko also outed Zach and that's also freaking me the fuck out.

I haven't seen Zach today which was concerning and I realized that I have a lot of problems to deal with. I was just having the best time of my life having my hot boyfriend and being accepted by my parents for who I truly am then I was just spontaneously thrown into a murky situation.

I must admit, I don't have any idea where I should start with this. Am I going to iron this rift between me and Xavier first? Or should I find Zach? I don't even know how Zach's doing at this point and that's not because I'm harboring such romantic feelings towards him—clearly, I don't—but this is because of camaraderie. He just got outed and that's a scary situation for someone like him to be in. He's got a reputation and I'm pretty sure he's overwhelmed with anxiety right now.

Xavier did not answer my call but I kept on dialing his number. I have to relentless because I am afraid to lose the person that I love. Xavier's my world, he's the key to my ignition and I feel like I won't function well without him. I know he does not want to have a conversation with me right now and that makes me feel horrible but I just need to check up on him. After so many rings, Xavier's phone kept on going to voicemail. It's annoying but I have no other choice but to leave a message just in case he wants to hear me out.

"Hi, Xavier. It's me, Jordi. I know I am the problem." I paused and took the deepest breath I could possibly muster. "Uhm, can we talk? I know I made a huge mistake and I don't expect you to just forgive me. But I'm more than ready to own up to it." I paused for the second time around just to breathe out. "I fucked up. I'm so sorry, Xavier." I didn't know I was already crying until I heard the doorbell ringing. "Let's fix this, babe."

As I dropped the call, I quickly wiped my tears off of my face and when I brought myself to the door, I was just as shocked to see Zach. It was raining outside and he was dripping wet.

"I-I'm freaking out." Zach breathed out and it was apparent to me how he's really overcome by anxiety. I felt so bad that he got dragged into this.

"C-come in. I'll get a towel for you." I rushed towards the bathroom.

"I-I don't who to run to, Jordi." Trembling with fear, Zach began as he was wiping himself with the towel. "Someone got a video of us."

"Yeah, I saw it." I nodded.

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