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I woke up in a daze or so that's how I felt the moment I opened my eyes. My head's feeling a little cranky, my vision was fuzzy and for some reasons, I feel like I'm floating on mid-air. It felt like I just had the longest slumber of my life and I was erratically confused to wake up in my bed at our tiny little apartment. I took some time breathe in and breathe out and then I suddenly heard a loud screaming and banging coming from the outside. I slowly propped myself up and sat on the bed as I quickly noticed myself dressed in a hospital gown. I slowly got up and then walking seemed like the easiest as if there's some sort of wind carrying my own weight.

When I brought myself outside to check on the ruckus, I was stupefied to see my mom and Hector going at each other's throat. They were both yelling at the top of their lungs seemingly arguing about something I can't even begin to comprehend. I know they were bickering but I can't hear what are they bickering about.

"MOM!" I screamed out loud but it seemed like nobody has heard me scream. And then out of the nowhere, Dondozzo showed up stomping on the ground like an elephant, his belly bounced up and down. He shouted at both of my mom and Hector hoping to get their attention but they didn't hear anything. Dondozzo was visibly pissed and suddenly, he had a knife on his hand and before I know it; he stabbed Hector on the neck. Blood spurted out of Hector's neck and as he dropped on the ground, Dondozzo then turned to my mom and stabbed her in the stomach. Once, twice.

I was immediately engulfed in total horror. I tried to scream but I can't even hear myself. I decided to run away and when I opened the door, I was even more astonished to find my ex-girlfriend Michiko standing right in front me. She was crying profusely and I don't know where she came from but she was also panting.

"Please, Xavier. Take me back!" She cried out loud and as soon as she took a step forward, I realized that I wasn't at our apartment anymore. Still in the shitty hospital gown, I was standing at the hallway of our school. Michiko grabbed hand and pulled me but then suddenly, someone grabbed my other hand.

"XAVIER!" It was Jordi and he was also crying, his eyes were bloodshot.

Jordi and Michiko began having a tug of war and I was being used as the poor rope in the middle. I screamed and screamed for both of them to stop but no one seemed to be listening to me. I don't know why they were fighting.

"GET AWAY FROM MY SON!" Then my dad popped up out of nowhere screaming in anger. Michiko and Jordi noticed my dad's presence and they immediately let go of me. They both started to run away until they were gone and I was no longer at school.

I found myself in the middle of the soccer field and a ball suddenly rolled up straight to my feet. When I tried to see who kicked the ball towards my spot, I saw my dad in his youthful teen years. He looked hauntingly just like me. The eyes, the jaw, the nose and even the flaming red hair, they look exactly the same. It seemed like I was staring at a mirror.

"What the fuck are you staring at Xavier? Kick the ball!!" My dad yelled over at me and I was just staring at him not really knowing what's going on. "HURRY, DUDE! THEY'RE GOING TO CATCH YOU!"

I looked down at the ball and just as I kicked it, I felt my waist started to sting and then I eventually noticed blood rushing. The hospital gown that I was wearing was now drenched in blood, a lot of blood. I checked my hand and they were covered in blood as well.

"HURRY, DUDE!" I heard the teen version of my dad yell once again. Just as I was about to take a step, I slipped on the grass and I fell on the ground. And then I was awake.

It was all just a dream. A fever dream.

As I opened my eyes, the bright light coming from the fluorescent bulb above the ceiling just slit straight right through my eyeballs. It took a while for my eyes to adjust from such brightness and when I finally managed to adjust, I looked around and I saw my dad by my side. I thought I was inside another nightmare but then he started speaking up and I knew then that everything was real.

The Badboy's Heartbeat [BxB] √Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat