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It was the nerve. I put all of the blame on this sudden nervous state that I am currently in. Not only that it made feel less cool but it also pulled my tongue and tied it making me unable to utter a single word.

I sat pretty timidly and quietly at the very edge of Jordi's bed. My curious eyes were roaming around the room and I would say I remember everything. Vividly enough, Jordi's bedroom looked exactly the same as I remembered it when he first took me here that one night. The entire space was visibly neat, perfectly organized and I don't know if Jordi's such a minimalist type of person but the space felt personalized somehow. All of his books and other stuff each are placed on their respective areas. Unlike every other teenager's room, the walls of his room aren't just riddled with a lot of posters from different sectors of pop culture. However, there's this lone poster of a very familiar trio of villains. It was a poster of the team Rocket trio, Jessie, James and Meowth and even including that blue blob looking creature. Looking at the poster, I honestly find it endearing and adorable to have a poster of anime characters rather than people.

"Okay, I'm going to have to throw the towel here." Jordi muttered breaking the silence that's been reigning. I know I came here to talk to him but I seemingly lost the courage and I was just quiet the entire time. "You came here to apologize right?"

"Uhm, yeah." I nodded slowly adjusting myself. "I'm really sorry for doing nothing earlier. It's just-"


Here we go, Xavier. I said to myself. "It's just that I froze in the moment. I wanted to step in, trust me, I really did want to smack the hell out of Nixon but I saw a lot of people watching and I got scared." I had to tell him how I truly felt in that moment because there's no other way.

"You got scared?" Jordi glued his inquisitive eyes on me which made me feel like I needed to speak more of how I truly felt.

"Yeah... I know, I fucked up. A lot of people were watching and I didn't want to make the situation even more complicated. I really like you Jordi, I really do and it's weird because I have never liked a guy before." I went on. Deep inside of me, I'm already starting to feel a bit better. I don't see any violent reaction from Jordi at all which should be a good sign. "There's just a lot of things that I'm really scared about. I don't want you to think that I just watched you get bullied because I was really not."

"Yeah, I get it. Whatever. At least, I stood up for myself and honestly, it felt really really good."

"Great, that's great." I was cloaked in a huge sigh of relief knowing that I did what I came here to do and maybe this was the perfect time to give him what I sketched earlier. "I also came here because I forgot to give you this little thing that I made for you." I got up and slowly handed him the folded piece of paper that I ripped from the back page of my notebook.

"What is this? If this was a silly letter of apology or whatever, I'm not into it."

I watched carefully as Jordi unfolded the sheet of paper. My chest began to pump faster and maybe I'm feeling much rather nervous again. I'm not really sure what his reaction's going to be. "I got bored and I have been thinking about you lately so I decided to sketch your face during class."

"Holy mother Theresa! You really sketched this?" I almost jumped out from my spot when I saw how surprised Jordi was. There's a sense of proudness in me that I can't even begin to explain myself.

"Do you want some snacks boys?" Jordi's mom suddenly showed up.

"Mom, can you please knock before you enter?" Jordi snapped out.

"Oh please, Jordi. It's not like you two are doing something weird. What's that?"


"Who sketched this?"

The Badboy's Heartbeat [BxB] √जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें