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Sometimes being alone effectively helps with your own thoughts and sanity. Even just for a sweet hour or half a day or even a full night. The utter silence feels like the widest and warmest embrace too and I'm glad that I'm spending the night alone in this hospital. It was my own choice and I'm very glad that I fought for it. My dad tried to assert his dominance over me trying to stay here with me but I already know what I want and I was even more adamant than him. In the end, he ended up letting me win the argument mostly because he's a smart man and he knows he's starting on his path to earning my forgiveness.

Lying like a rock on my bed, I'm definitely starting to feel sore. It's been two nights that I'm lying here basically doing nothing and I thought there was going to be no drama but I was dead ass wrong. Drama seemed to keep on finding me for some reasons. The memory of the earlier conversation was still fresh on my mind. I could still remember faking everything that I had with my dad when Michiko was still here. My dad seemed to like her which I don't mind at all. Michiko's not the perfect prim lady but she knows how to respect people too. I just feel very sorry for Jordi because I believe things aren't playing like the way he wanted too. I can't possibly tell exactly what he was feeling during those times but I know for sure that he was trying to be a team player.

I'm happy that I'm alone and even though I already missed Jordi, I really wanted to be alone. I needed some time to let everything sink in.

I guess I would say I'm thankful that my dad showed up. I don't want to admit that because I still hate the hell out of him. Who knows what would happen to Jordi after I blacked out. Who knows if he's still perfectly safe right now. I just don't understand my dad right now. After how many years of not giving a single fuck about me and my mom, he now wants to make up for everything. He must be joking?

Reaching out for my phone was physically a disaster for me. Every single time I use and stretch my muscles, I always feel a stinging sensation on my waist and it's not a good feeling. It feels like I'm ripping my skin apart. I thought I was used to pain already but this was a hell different type of shit. Not only that I still have my knuckles covered in bandage, but the stinging pain coming from my waist was really agonizing that I have no other choice but to limit my movements. After a long while, I finally managed to reach my phone from the table next to my bed.

The first thing I did was check Jordi's message. He just asked how I was doing and it put a decent curve on my face and made my heart jump in joy. I ended up dialing his number and at the first ring, he answered.

"Hey..." He groaned over the phone.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked desperate to hear Jordi's voice again. I haven't had the chance to actually speak to him earlier because of what was happening and now, I'm more than ready to spend some time with him even if it's just over the phone.

"I'm doing very well, I guess." Jordi had a slight pause. "How about you? Have you had your dinner already?"

"Yes, I had it thirty minutes ago and I'm telling you, it's the worst. I'm not a picky eater but damn, these hospital foods. I mean, it's a no for me, get that shit out of my face. They taste like shit."

"Oh, baby, you tell me! I'm a regular patient at a hospital when I was young and I've had my fair share of shitty food. I always ask my mom to buy me some McDonald's nuggets or whatever food from the outside." Jordi divulged which tickled my curiosity.

"You were a hospital regular?" I inquired.

"Yeah, I used to have asthma before. I guess now, I may have outgrown it, I don't really know. There's really no cure to asthma. It's been like two years since the last time I had an episode so... I guess I'm fine? Also, I was just a sickly child. Every time I trip or I get cut, I bleed really bad. I get sick just from little dust and changes in temperature."

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