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The night seemed very festive that even outside the Takao mansion, there are still plenty of people roaming around clad in their very own spooky costumes. Some are smoking behind these bushes, some are inching their way going towards the pool area on the east side where there's a different sort of party happening and then some are already drunk as fuck most probably high too and they were just walking around like zombies.

Zach and I just ran and ran until we got near the Koi pond where I had to stop because I almost tripped on my heels. I could already feel my knees burning. Who would've thought I would do some sort of a marathon on my first time wearing a six-inch pair of heels.

"Are you okay?" Zach turned around and approached me.

"Yeah, I'm fine."


"The fuck was that? Did you just punch Chad right in the fucking face?" Breathing heavily, I couldn't believe Zach just did what he did. I thought he was scared of Chad.

"Hold on, you sound very familiar." Zach replied which confused me a little bit. "J-jordi, is that you?" He asked recognizing me. I'm well aware of the amount of make-up on my face but do I really look like somebody else?

"Yes, it's me. I thought you knew."

"Oh my god, you look g-gorgeous. I really thought you were a real woman for a second there."

"No shit, Zach." I thought he was aware that it's me and the look on his face was pretty much serious right until the moment he broke character.

"Just kidding." He began chuckling as he just got me. "I knew it was you."

"You sick fuck..." I punched him right on the chest.

Funny enough, he was also wearing a superman body suit and his muscles were really popping out, his chest looked massive and his abs were just as perfect as everything else. He certainly looked good with the body suit hugging him. My eyes involuntarily checked his crotch probably trying to check if his packing downstairs except that he was wearing a pair of pants. I was somehow disappointed.

For a moment, we were both sharing a mirthful laughter until our eyes eventually locked making the situation really awkward and tense. Zach stared directly at my eyes and I was sure he was telling me something with it.

"You look really beautiful tonight, Jordi." With his eyes still glued onto me, he breathed out almost as if we were in a romantic movie.

At first, I wasn't entirely sure if I should just turn around and walk away because I swear to the man upstairs, his eyes were talking. "T-thank you."

There was a moment of silence after that and I had to make the decision to cut away from it before it could even escalate to something that I would eventually regret. "I-I think we should go back inside."

"Yeah." He nodded. "Chad's drunk and he's going to forget that I punched him anyway."

Zach and I slowly walked back inside and we both went straight to where the drinks are. Fortunately, Chad and the rest of his minions were gone. I spotted Jane and she was still with the guy wearing a Chucky costume. I immediately thought she might be getting herself in trouble.

We both grabbed another round of the fruity punch. I guess I was just feeling tense around Zach and I ended up sipping everything on my cup like it's just water. I poured another and then another until I started to feel my face heated.

"Haha. Look, your friend's really twerking her ass out like she's on a Cardi B music video." Zach pointed right at Nikki. That girl was still twerking and busting herself out along with a few of the college guys throwing some bills on her. She was having the most fun as always and I thought maybe I should do that too.

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