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Xavier's smile was just bright as the sunshine. I wasn't expecting that such serene curve hanging on his quite dashy face would make me go insane on the inside. His eyes seemed like they were glistening and his overall aura brought a different energy to the table.

I have never seen him like this but yes, I secretly admired him and the seemingly drastic changes. I love that a simple conversation without any certain malice would bring out this bright and friendly looking Xavier.

"Xavier!" Jane's voice echoed subsequently pulling me back to reality.

"Ahem... Yeah, that seat's not taken." I could feel my chest pumping faster like I've been running for quite a mile. I tried to be calm.

"Thank you." Xavier gently placed Billie right next to Jane's very own bag of flour.

"Awww, your baby looked cuuutee." Jane squealed the instant she saw the face drawn on Billie. "Did you draw that Xavier?"

"Yes, I did."

"Yes, he did." Xavier and I both replied in unison.

"Ooookay?" Jane gave us both a hard inquisitive look.

Xavier cleared his throat. "Yeah, I drew that."

"O-M-GEEE. I would like one. Would you mind drawing something to my bag?" Jane requested. She appeared to be comfortable around Xavier even when she doesn't have any idea on what's going on between us. That's just a true testament to how innocent she is.

"Sure. No problem." Xavier grabbed the bag. "Does he or she have a name?"

"Actually, my partner and I decided that the pronoun we are going to use for it is going to be they/them since they are no binary." Jane duly notified us with what they are calling the bag.

What the fuck? I cursed deep inside of me. Xavier and I shared a look and it was obvious that we are about to burst into laughter but we both chose to stay calm. I don't think what they call their bags doesn't matter anyway, it's just a bag of flour and after this, we'll eventually return it to Mrs. Harding.


"Their name's Sasha, by the way."

"Okay, Sasha. Let's give you a face." Watching Xavier in this newly bright version was just a delight. I don't feel any sort of hate or fear and I guess that's a good thing. "Do you have any Sharpie with you?"

"Oh Jesus, Xavier. Don't ask her about the Sharpie." I slapped my palm to my face knowing that Jane has some sort of obsession with Sharpies. It's one of those obsessions that she carried through with her from middle school.

"I do." Jane opened her bag and brought out every Sharpie that she owned.

"That's a lot of Sharpie." Xavier said.

"Yeah, I'm sort of a Sharpie lover. I bought this at..."

I already knew that I have to step in before Jane could even start going on and on about her Sharpie world. "Okay, okay, yes, Jane. We know, you love Sharpies. Xavier just need a few."

"Yeah, sorry."

Jane and I both watched Xavier draw a face on Sasha. It's really mind-blowing how he's easily drawing the lines and curve without even doing a sketch. His precision is just on point. I'm really starting to wonder what else could he draw with such precision.

"There you go!" Xavier muttered the moment he's finished giving Sasha a face. It was a cute one but I would still say Billie's face was better.

"Thank you, Xavier." Jane grabbed the bag and started taking selfies with it.

The Badboy's Heartbeat [BxB] √Where stories live. Discover now