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"Where are you taking me?" I inquired forced to trail behind Michiko who was just walking at such a fast pace as if someone's running after her life.

Michiko just ignored me and for a second, I was left hanging in the air thinking if I should just ditch her because frankly, I'm not friends with her or if should just be polite and follow her because she's clearly the host of this party and I need to be in her good graces. I ended up choosing the latter.

"This is my room." She muttered once she led me inside this spacious abode adorned with lots of pink and girly stuff. The room felt definitely the gayest that I've seen in my entire life and I thought it was just some sort of a relaxation room and not her bedroom because it's hell of a spacious room for just one person but I guess I just forgot that she's filthy rich. "Welcome..."

"Damn, Michiko. Your room looks more spacious than me and my parents' room combined." I said in awe.



"My close friends call me Mich."

"Oh, okay."

"Now, why the hell are you doing superman? It's not even superman, it's just Clark Kent. I mean, I know you're gay and most gay people probably fell in love with superman because of his ripped body but you don't look... good." She really had to pause and swallow before deciding to throw shade straight at me.

"What? I mean, I look decent." I replied almost speechless.

"Of course, you are. You look like you're working a nine to five job with no paid leave and no paid vacation."

"Damn, girl. You just read me to filth. Do I really look that bad?"

"I-I'm sorry, it's not my intention to say your costume's ugly. I mean, it's decent but for a party like this, Nikki and Jane looked much better than you are." She walked right in front of another door which I thought was her bathroom for some reason. "I have an idea, if it's okay with you."

"What are you trying to propose then?"

"I could put you into drag." Michiko chirped and that was maybe the first time that I'm thrilled with her in a positive way.

"D-drag? You want to put me in drag?"

"I'm slightly skilled with make-up and I'm very much positive that I have a lot of outfit here that would rather fit you. You will be sickening!" She snapped her finger and then she eventually pulled the door open revealing another room. It was her walk in closet and I thought I was dreaming.

"Jesus motha... A walk in closet?" I exclaimed.

"Ugh, why is everyone surprised about a walk in closet?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just... Nevermind."

"So, do you want me to put you in drag?" She looked at me in the eye as if she's begging me. "PLEASE? PRETTY PLEASE?"

I stood there thinking for a while. I have seen many drag queens of the internet and television before and they all looked gorgeous. I'm not sure if I would look like one but maybe I could try this new thing and see how things would go from there. "W-why the hell not."

"YEAH!!!!!! OKURRRTTTT!!!" She squealed overwhelmed with such excitement and she even had a small dance routine prepared for me. I guess she was really serious about making friends with me except that I'm not sure if I wanted to be her friend with the bullshit that she pulled last time. Not only that she's filthy rich but she's also trying to steal my man. "Okay, you go take your seat right in front of the mirror and let me just prepare my make-up." She flipped her hair then walked straight to what I thought was a wall but then it turned out to be a cabinet.

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