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When I finally walked out of school, I was more than surprised to see a very familiar car stop by right in front of me. The windows subsequently rolled down and there was this hot boy looking like a Herculean god with his biceps unwittingly flexed. It was Zacheus Riley and he was wearing his pearly white matinee idol smile. A lot of girls chiefly admire this handsome guy, including me obviously but I just don't understand what's going on.

"Hi." Zach greeted waving his hand.


"Hop in, Jordi. I'm going to give you a ride home." Zach intoned vocally. He's clearly not asking me about it, he's clearly giving me an order that I may not be able to refuse.

In my head, I'm sure I didn't want to add anything more to what I'm currently going through. However, there's a huge part of me that wants to be distracted and this was a perfect distraction.

"Just so you know, I'm not going to just hop inside a stranger's car." I leaned over and thought of playing. "My grandma always says don't talk to strangers."

"Who you calling stranger? And you're talking to me now. Also, I'm like the most popular guy in this school." He babbled out and he's just a natural too. He doesn't sound like he's full of himself which in comparison to Xavier, Xavier could really come off cocky and sound a little pompous. Well, he's been pompous throughout the time that I've known him and it's only until after we almost hooked up that he changed.

"Okay, you're obviously tooting your own horn with that, mister." I trailed off.

"What if you toot my own horn?" Zach bantered back, he was smiling with arid mischief.

"What the fuck?" I cursed inside my head. I may have turned red about that mostly because I wasn't expecting him to be naughty. "Just the fuck up, Zach." I spat.

"Just kidding. Do you want to hop in or what?"

"Okay fine." I ended up hopping inside his car.

"So, where do you want to go?" He quipped.

"You just told me you're going to give me a ride home, so I suppose that's what you're going to do."

"Well, yeah technically." He slurred and I could see it based on his facial expression that he was planning on something else.

"And where do you exactly plan on taking me?"

"Do you like a good view?" He asked.

I looked at him for a long while. His hair looked healthier than mine even though I used one too many products just to keep my curly hair healthy. "I'm looking at a good view."

"Oh..." Zach was instantly taken aback by what I said and for a second there, I thought he was blushing or something. "Well, apart from that."

"I mean, yeah." I nodded. "I guess everyone loves a good view. Everyone loves to get distracted by some sort of scenery somehow."

"There's this beautiful view of McArthur Park above my dad's hotel. You could also see a part of Hudson river."

"That actually sounds cool. Okay, what are you waiting for? Drive."

Zach held the steering wheel and eventually stepped on the gas before finally driving. The trip to his dad's hotel was relatively quick mostly because I noticed Zach knew some shortcuts that I never knew about. He's most probably been driving all over the city because he knows his way.

By the time Zach pulled over, I had this growing thought in my head that I basically said yes to a date. I wasn't expecting this and essentially speaking, he just asked me out in a very smoothest way possible. Maybe I was thinking about a lot of things because I didn't saw it like that then. However, now it's looking more like a date and I don't know what to feel about it. Obviously, I haven't moved on from the time I kissed him.

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