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Throughout the entire half of the day, I have been riddled when so much anxiety that I just want things to freeze so I could give myself some time to think and breathe. Michiko got her dirt on me at such a pretty good timing and I eventually became a bona fide fool for actually falling right into her dangerous trap. To be fair, I don't have any idea Michiko was such a bitch and so full of herself that she had to plant hidden cameras to gather some dirt on unsuspecting people. But Lala did warn me not to attend the party and I should've just blindly followed her. She never really did impart some very specific deets as to why.

I couldn't find Xavier anywhere and that alone was making me queasy and absolutely uncomfortable. There's no denying the absolute fact that he saw the video of me making out with Zach. I'm just creating all of these thoughts inside my head but my gut was also feeling it. Michiko's not a dumb bitch like every other girl, she's actually smarter than most people which was a very scary thing. I have this utter confidence that she already made her move towards me. I saw Michiko during sex ed. and if I wasn't so transfixed over Xavier's absence today, I would've probably confronted her.

Speaking of confrontation, Michiko was wearing a full black regalia with a dark red lipstick today. This was very telling of how she's fucking pissed that I'm with Xavier instead of her. She's definitely showing me who's the bitch and honestly, it was scaring the shit out of me. I thought I have already developed a sense of courage to confront the people who are trying to fuck with my life but now, I'm starting to feel like shit. I'm not going to deny it. I'm intricately developing some sort of fear but apart from that, I'm also fucking pissed with Michiko.

When I finally stepped out of class for lunch, I noticed people are already whispering about me along the hallways and even when I inched my way to the cafeteria. I could see their lips moving, their eyes twitching and it seemed apparent that they have already received the same video too. It does not feel good to be the person on everybody's lips and I know that because I could feel their negative aura oozing. They were judging me as if kissing the one and only Zach Riley was a mortal sin and that I should be persecuted for it. Of course for most people in this school, it was a mortal sin to kiss him. This is Zach Riley that we are talking about. The golden boy, the most popular guy in school, the guy who's on every girl's head. If I was witch, they would've already started a witch hunt for me. I felt like shit. I felt like a horrible person and it feels like coming out to everyone once again.

"Do you all really think Zach is you know... gay?" I heard Jenna basically gossiping with her friend Paula and Frannie when I passed their table. These ladies are the nerds and I know they have a huge crush for Zach because they even created a fan club for the guy.

"I don't think so..." Paula replied almost immediately. "I think that faggot's just obsessed with him and that was honestly scary." Her tone sounded pretty much condescending and degrading. It made me feel like a monster and I know I'm not a monster, I'm just a normal human being living my truth.

"I know right? I'm honestly so scared for baby Zach. What if Zach's going to burn in hell because that gay kid kissed him?" Jenna continued and it's just making me feel horrible. A part of me wants to stop and walk back towards them. That same part of me wanted to tell them that's not how things go and that they were being haphazardly homophobic and simply ignorant.

"Yeah, Jordi's definitely obsessed with Zach and we should not let him get his hands on our baby Zach ever again." Frannie nodded in agreement. "What if he gives him something like AIDS." She went on.

"HEY, FAGGOT!" Jenna suddenly screamed behind me trying to capture my attention in the middle of the cafeteria. I tried to ignore her but then she grabbed my hand and forced me to turn around and face her. "Stay away from Zach Riley!"

"YEAH! GET YOUR SINFUL GAY ASS AWAY FROM ZACH." Frannie quickly added standing right beside Jenna.

"Hey, can we please not make a scene here?" I pleaded trying my best to be polite with them. I'm not really having the right headspace to entertain them and as much as possible, I would like to put everything they said about me behind.

I have a lot of things running and skittering through my mind that I can't even begin to focus on one. I'm still thinking about Xavier. Is this the reason why he's ignoring me? And then I'm worried about Zach Riley too. Everyone thinks he's straight and I still think he's just trying to discover who he was as a person but then he had to get dragged in this stunt that Michiko has pulled. I'm really sandwiched in the middle and it's making me feel sick to my stomach.

"Fuck, no!" Paula cursed out but I chose to ignore them three. I don't want to draw so much attention when I'm already having such a difficult day.

I was just about to walk out and evade this catty scene but then Jenna pulled me once again and this time, she pulled me over with my hair.

"OUCH!!!" I cried out loud and as I turned around, Paula grabbed plate of food eventually throwing it right at me.

Not again. I thought to myself. The stinging sensation of this spicy sauce got into my nose and it's freaking painful. I heard everyone laughing at me and that's the moment I knew I had to get out of this place. I felt really down right now but I think I don't deserve this kind of treatment from people who don't know who I am. I wanted to cry out loud but I know I don't want to add anymore embarrassment to myself. I've been bullied like this before but I just managed to get away from it. Maybe I could do it again this time. I turned around and ran.

As I was running away trying to hold my tears, I suddenly bumped into someone along the empty hallways. When I looked at who it was, I was overwhelmed with mixed emotions to see Xavier.

"Xavier!" I sniffed out. Xavier just ignored my presence and continued walking as if he doesn't know who I am, as if he forgot who I am. I am his boyfriend and I'm really hurt to see him ignore me when I'm covered in sauce. "XAVIER!" I yelled once again but he just pretended as if he didn't hear me.

I ran towards him and hugged him tight enough that he had to use such force to push me away. "GET OFF OF ME, CHEATER!" He cried out loud.

The Badboy's Heartbeat [BxB] √Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora