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In light of my already existing fear of getting judged, I ended up putting the folded sketch of Jordi's face back to my pocket.

"Look what we have here!" Nixon's voice penetrated my eardrums and it did nothing but piss me the fuck off. This was not really the best time for them to show up. I was just about to ask Jordi out and now, it seemed to me that I'm not going to be able to do that and it felt really horrible. "It's the cocksucker!!!!!" Nixon and Darren both shared a burst of laughter as if calling someone a cocksucker was the funniest thing.

"You do realize that not every gay person wants to suck your dick, right?" Jordi bantered back and I was thrillingly surprised that he had the confidence to do so. However, I felt scared at the very same time. Jordi doesn't know what he's getting himself into by talking back to Nixon.

"He's talking back, Nixon." Darren added from behind.

"So, you're talking back now, shithead?" Nixon inched his way closer to Jordi and slapped the back of his head. I know during that point that I should immediately stepped in but I just froze in my spot as if a freezing laser beam just hit my physical body. My head just blanked out and I didn't know what to do.

"Get your nasty ass hands off me!" Jordi yelled back and then he looked back to me. The look in his eyes was most definitely asking for help but I just stood there just like a statue and I even looked away like the coward that I am. "Xavier?!" He whispered and I don't exactly know what went through my head but I consciously ignored him.

"Hey, loser! Don't you look away from Nixon when he's talking back to you." Darren intoned pompously.

By this point, I'm not just a statue anymore but I'm also a cold-hearted bastard who doesn't know what to do. There's a lot of voices inside my head and they were shouting all at once. I wanted to stand up for Jordi but then I immediately noticed a myriad of eyes glued on us and I was overwhelmed with the pang of anxiety. I felt like my tongue just vanished in a pinch that I wasn't able to let out even a sing word.

"What the fuck is wrong with you all, assholes? Seriously, you all are fucking sick in the head!!!" Jordi went on and I could hear his loud and increasing annoyance. I know for sure that he's getting pissed that I'm just doing nothing. I wanted to do something but my feet are seriously planted on the ground.

Jordi slammed his locker shut and attempted to walk away but then Nixon and Darren both blocked his way. He's now cornered and I'm still frozen solid.

"Where do you think you're going, loser?" Nixon looked down at Jordi.

"Let me through, asshole." Jordi snapped back and this time, he made sure he said those words with conviction.

"What did you just call me?" Nixon asked acting as if the word asshole pissed him off.

"He called you an asshole." Darren repeated which just made things even worse.

"Yeah, that's right." Jordi nodded and to me, I could see a steam coming out of his mouth. I think he's about to burst out. "You're nothing but a sick fuck spineless asshole who deserves no space in this world. Look at this situation huh? Who do you think is the loser? I know it's not me because I'm not failing my mama and I know for sure you aren't making your mama proud. If anything else, you are embarrassing them. You are the real cocksucker here. I'm not acting all tough and beefed out when really, I'm the weak fucker here. You're a burden in this society and you should all fuck yourself in the ass!!!" Jordi just had spontaneous monologue fueled by his anger. Nixon looked like Jordi's words just stabbed him pretty deeply.

"Oh, yeah." Nixon appeared mortified by Jordi's confident speech and then he saw someone passing by holding a milk tea and he snatched it nonchalantly.

"Hey, that's my drink!" The woman cried out.

"Who gives a damn about your drink, skank!!!" Nixon yelled at the innocent girl who then scampered away out of fear. "Xavier, here!"

"What?" I was shocked that he was handing me the cup and that kind of cracked the ice that has been keeping me frozen this whole time.

"Pour this on him." Nixon scowled over at me.

"I-I'm not going to do that." I replied not really wanting to do anything that would make the situation even worse than it already is. I've already fucked up by doing nothing.

"What now?"

"I said I'm not pouring that on him." I repeated loudly.

"What seems to be the problem, Xavier?" Nixon asked utterly confused.


"You know what? Fuck you, Xavier."

Just when Nixon was about to pour the milk tea on Jordi's head, Nikki showed up out of nowhere. Nikki's reflexes where faster than I thought as she was snappy and snatched the cup from Nixon's hand before eventually pouring it on his shirt instead.

"Get the fuck away from my best friend!!!" Nikki shouted over at Nixon.

"Nikki!" Jordi cried out.

"Oh, you did not just... Fuck! I'm going to kill you, bitch!!!" Nixon glared in such anger and I know this was already Nixon's boiling point. He does not give a single damn if Nikki's a woman or not.

I fucked up. I fucked up big time but this could be the least thing that I could do in this moment. Before Nixon could even land his fist on Nikki, I caught it and held it firm enough. "Let's get out of here. That's enough!" I muttered before eventually pulling Nixon away.


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