Chapter 74

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Married To The Male Lead’s Paranoid Uncle Chapter 74:

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Because Shiyin discovered the love between Zhou Siyang and Shen Chenchen, the eyes she looked at Zhou Siyang during the meal were different from usual. Zhou Siyang had a guilty conscience, and now Shiyin saw it even more guilty. .

But he made up his mind. As long as the sound is not asked, he will never confide a word, even if Shiyin asks...

Then he... he... can't hide it anymore.

Who made that little girl have to make him promise to conceal it.

But what made Zhou Siyang relieved was that Shiyin did not ask, and then he hadn't relaxed for a long time. When Shiyin was upstairs, he caught the cat who wanted to run around and planned to return to the house, just casually. Said to him: "The name of your friend's cat is the same as the name of the cat raised by a little girl in my group, and it looks alike."

Zhou Siyang hugged the cat and stood stiffly in front of Shiyin. Just as he was thinking about whether or not to say it, Shiyin sighed again: "But it should be a coincidence. The two cats look a little bit similar. Not surprising, and many pets have the name Ball."

After she finished speaking, she took the lead and went back to the room. Zhou Siyang, who was up and down with the rock in her heart, didn't notice at all. Shiyin's mouth raised a little after she walked over.

Scared you to death!

I don't know what to conceal, and pretend that nothing is going on, fooling a fool? It's all so obvious, can she see it? !

whispering sound! Two idiots!


Before the official recording of the amateur love variety show "For Your Heart", Shiyin, as the starring actor of "The Best Youth", was the only one who had come from a singing and dancing variety show and was invited to go to the studio to record a movie. The theme song, named "Youth", is composed of Wu Jiakai and Shan Qing.

Later, at the end of July, Shiyin began to officially record this variety show.

Shiyin talked to Zhou Chengyuan about the show a few days before going to record it. The real-time sound was not sure how she wanted her to record it. Meng Ran told her that she was six guests including her. The programs that have been recorded, and then based on their interactions in each issue, finally guess which person each person wrote the letter to the opposite sex.

After listening to the sound of the time, Zhou Chengyuan probably said what she was going to do, then suddenly smiled and said, "Did Meng Ran arrange the wrong show for you?"

Shiyin was puzzled: "Brother Ran is very experienced. She knows what program is suitable for me, and how could she give me the wrong job."

Zhou Chengyuan looked at Shi Yin with a serious face, with a serious and pertinent tone, and commented on her: "You are married, but Yinyin, you can't understand those love affairs."

Shiyin: "???"

What do you mean by that? I don't like to trouble you to swallow it back.jpg

Don't underestimate people, uncle, let me tell you! Then I will show my skills to you! Let you see and see, can I understand the things that adults fall in love with!

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