Confrontation with the Forest Elf

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Inside Bear Woods

Koharu: So far so good...

Vein: This place ain't that bad, it's a lot easier then how Kizmel describe it to be. The monsters here give decent amount of EXP and I even manage to level up.

Suddenly they heard a loud roar coming from behind them. They turn around to see what made the loud noise and see a giant bear charging towards them.

Vein: HOLY COW!!!

Vein and Koharu quickly jump away from the incoming attack.

Koharu: You were saying, Vein.

Vein: Hehehe... I'll... just stop talking...

Koharu: Looks like the bear's name is Magnatherium.

Vein: Would you look at that, it's weak against thrust and water. 

Yuuki: Vein and I will distract Magnatherium. While it's distracted, Koharu you'll deal the finishing blow.

Vein: Wow, that's what I was gonna say.

Yuuki: Guess both of us had the same idea.

Vein: So, can you do it Koharu?

Koharu: I'll try my best!

Vein: Good enough. Let's go Yuuki!

Yuuki: Hey buddy, I'm over here come and get me.

Magnatherium jump towards Yuuki and attack her but she effortlessly dodges the attack.

Yuuki: You need to do better than that to hit me.

Vein: Hiyah! 

Vein rush in and slashes Magnatherium leg. Magnatherium turn towards Vein and breathe fire at him. Vein dodges the attack and slash it's stomach. Yuuki follow up by slashing Magnatherium back.

Vein: Now!

Koharu: Hiyah! Aqua Linear!

Koharu strike Magnatherium's head with Aqua Linear, killing it.

Koharu: Phew.

Vein: Well done.

Koharu: Thanks.

Yuuki: Hey guys, look over there. I think that's the exit.

Vein: Let's go and check it out.


Vein: It really is the exit.

Yuuki: Whew... Looks like we made it.

Koharu: This should be close enough to be heard if we shout, but it looks like there are way more soldiers than expected... We still okay?

Yuuki: I wonder. There can't be more than 100 elves in there. This has to be their most elite battalion. That's like two full 48-player raid parties... If we draw in every monster in the area and go for it, we might pull it off!

Vein: It won't be easy.

Yuuki: No, but it's not impossible. And as long as we've got a chance we can't just give up.

Koharu: Yuuki... Can I ask you something?

Yuuki: As long as it's nothing too personal, sure!

Koharu: We might think of Kizmel as one of our friends, but the truth is she's still an NPC. If it comes down to it, you don't have to help her... I mean, you're not even playing through the Elf War campaign, Yuuki.

Yuuki: Nope, I'm merely passing through.

Koharu: So then why? Why get so involved?

Yuuki: You know, there are people here who just want to fight for something. To keep promises. It's all they care about. And that's it. That's reason enough. Now then... Let's go.

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