Elf War Campaign continue

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Another 30 minutes later

Vein: *Phew* Finally got 15 Tadpole Fin. I'm surprised they were a lot more easier to kill.

Koharu: Not to mention we got extra material so that we can upgrade our gear.

Vein: I just hope Lisbeth isn't already there waiting for us for a long time.

Koharu: Let's hurry back then.

Back at the Teleport Gate

Koharu: Hey, isn't that Kirito and Asuna over there.

Vein: Your right, let's go say hi.

Koharu: Kirito, Asuna, nice to see you guys again.

Kirito: Hey, how's it going you guys?

Vein: We're doing fine, what about you guys?

Kirito: Well, we've basically been around the whole place, and it's definitely not like the beta.

Asuna: I don't know what the beta was like, so I'll leave the report to you, Kirito. You two find much?

Koharu: Nothing that will help with the boss.

Kirito: No, huh... The boss in the beta was a half eagle, half horse Hippogriff.

Asuna: If it was half eagle half lion, it would be like those gryphons on noble family crests in Europe.

Kirito: Hippogriffs are actually born from gryphon sires and horse mares. I mean, in fantasy, at least. The hippogriff boss from the beta wasn't so bad if you could avoid it's sharp beak, but...

Vein: If it's anything like the last floors...

Kirito: Probably. The bosses have been changed up on every floor so far, so we should expect as much here. We're gonna head out in search of more clues for a while. We might find something in the elf quests again up here.

Koharu: So the Elf War campaign is still going on up here too, huh.

Kirito: Head out to Border Lake, and you should be able to start this Floor's quest.

Vein: Can't wait to start.

Asuna: Yeah. Let's do our best, eh?

Kirito: We'll see you at the boss, then. Later.

Koharu: The Elf War, huh. I wonder if we'll see Kizmel... I hope we will.

Lisbeth: I'm super sorry! Kept you waiting, huh.

Vein: I don't mind waiting for you.

Lisbeth: Oooh, how romantic... I can just imagine a special someone talking to me like that. So you got it all! Thanks a ton, you really saved me! I'll give you a little something that should be worth about as much. My pride as a smith is on the line here.

Koharu: An honest craftsmen you are indeed.

Lisbeth: I just do what I gotta do. I'll tell you though, I was pretty happy when you said it was cool how I work as a blacksmith. Next time we meet I'll make sure I'm ready to make the best weapons you'll find on this floor!

Vein: Looking forward to it. In fact Lisbeth, we'll like you to make weapons for us now.

Lisbeth: Wait now?!

Koharu: Yeah. You see Lisbeth, ever since we came to this floor our weapons could barely do any damage to the monsters here. So we decided to upgrade our weapons, and since your a blacksmith, we'll like you to upgrade our weapons.

Vein: And don't worry about the material, we already got them while we were helping you gather material.

Koharu: So can you please do it, Lisbeth?

Lisbeth: Of course, how could I say no to a customer. Especially the one's who help me out. Though, this is the first time I'll be making weapons using material on this floor. So, I'll try my best to make the best weapons I personally can make on this floor... So don't go getting to excited now, okay? 

A few minutes later

Lisbeth: Here you go!

Vein: Wow, this weapons look amazing! Heck, even the shield looks cool!

Koharu: Yeah. You really did a great job!

Lisbeth: Aw shucks, it was nothing really.

Vein: Thanks again Lisbeth! You've been a huge help.

Lisbeth: Hey, you guys help me out to. It's the least I can do. I hope you'll enjoy them.

Koharu: Don't worry Lisbeth, we will!

Lisbeth: Okay then, I'm headed back down below. You two be careful out there! Buh-bye now!

Vein: You too Lisbeth, see ya!

Koharu: She's a little different, but almost as lively as Argo, huh.

Vein: She even makes good weapons.

Koharu: Yeah, thanks to her we won't be having trouble dealing with monsters here anymore.

Vein: Can't wait to see her again.

Koharu: Yeah... We will see them again, right? Lisbeth and Agil too. Everyone... They'll all be okay.

Vein: What do you wanna do now?

Koharu: Well, Kirito said the Elf War campaign is still going on. And to continue the quest we need to head out to Border Lake, so let's go do just that.

Vein: Can't wait to see Kizmel again, huh.

Koharu: Yeah! Come on let's go, Vein.

At Border lake

Koharu: If I remember correctly, the Commander back on Floor 3 said there is an elven fortress on this Floor, right? Around here maybe?

???: Yes indeed. Though the entrance is hidden from your eyes, it stands right before you now.

Vein: That voice...

Koharu: Is that... Kizmel?

Kizmel: Salutations. Vein, Koharu, are you well?

Koharu: Oh yes! You seem good too, Kizmel... I'm so glad to see you.

Kizmel: I feel I have thought of nothing but you both since we went our ways on Floor 3. But come now, we can speak inside.

Koharu: Is something the matter?

Kizmel: The Lapis Key sealed away on this floor is now missing... The circumstances are convoluted, and this is not the best place to speak of them. Head west down the road and you will come upon the entrance. Your eyes will show you nothing, but I will alert our forces of you. I will have a soldier posted outside to allow you through. But you will have to make it there on your own.

Koharu: Okay. We'll just let the guard know who we are when we get there.

Kizmel: Very good. Things were flexible back at camp, but unfortunately we cannot risk as much here... Alas, I shall await you at the fort.

Koharu: Kizmel seemed pretty worn out, huh. Maybe from being cramped up in the fort? I hope we can help her...

Vein: Don't worry, we will.

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