Activating the Teleport Monument

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Diavel: Can you go and activate the Teleport Monument out in the Central Tolbana?

Koharu: "Active" it?

Diavel: Once a Teleport Point activated we'll be able to easily travel between it. We'll definitely need to use it if we're moving up. Just touch the Teleport Monument and you should figure it out. Let me know when you're done.

Koharu: Hey um... Vein.

Vein: What is it?

Koharu: Can you explain to me what this Teleport Monument is?

Vein: Wait you don't know what it is. The Teleport Monument is the only way to travel between floors.

Koharu: I never left floor 1 back in the beta.

Vein: Oh... Ahem, basically every floor will have one Teleport Monument so the players can travel to those floor.

Koharu: Oh I got it now.

Vein: Now then where is it? Oh its over there.

Koharu: Wow so this is the Teleport Monument. It's bigger than I thought.

Vein: Yeah, man I'm glad they at least added more Teleport Monument. Back in the beta only the entrance have one. It's a pain going from one place to another. Hey Koharu since you never open a Teleport Monument, want to try it out?

Koharu: Sure. Diavel said all I have to do is touch it... Oh wow! Teleport Gate plaza is in here. I'm guessing to teleport to the location is to touch it, am I right?

Vein: Yup, you got it right. Let's report back to Diavel.

Koharu: Diavel, we activated the Teleport Monument.

Diavel: Wasn't so hard now was it. Now next up I want you to activate the Teleport Monument by the labyrinth. If we find all the Teleport Monument in the fields, it'll save us a lot of trouble. 

Koharu: This way we can just wrap straight to the dungeon, so we won't have to worry about wasting effort on the trip.

Diavel: Precisely. And we'll need everyone in top shape for the labyrinth. The labyrinth is out in Quest Plains. You guys should have no trouble getting there. Report back to me once you activate it.

At Quest Plains

Vein: There we go. Now it's activated.

Koharu: So that's the labyrinth up ahead, huh.

Vein: Yeah it is.

Koharu: Hey Vein, I've been thinking about what Diavel said quite a bit.

Vein: About what?

Koharu: About giving everyone hope. You've been leading me along from the start. That's the only reason I'm here now. If we can pull off this boss fight, and if that will inspire people like me, then I'm more than ready to fight.

Vein: That we'll fight the boss, together.

Koharu: Okay... Let's do this Vein!

???: Hey, do you mind? I'm trying to activate that Teleport Monument.

Koharu: Oh... We're in the way huh?

Vein: Sorry about that.

???: No problem as long as you make way. I want to log this spot.

Koharu: Are you also planning on taking the boss?

???: Guess you guys plan on it too?

Koharu: We are! Let's work together!

???: I just want to get to the next floor, so... Yeah, I'll be going now.

Koharu: Wait! If you're heading back to Tolbana, why not come with us?

???: Head back? Oh, I'm not going back. There's still a few hours until the group forms up. I'll be here taking down monsters until then. Not like there's anything else to do...

Koharu: And... there she goes... That was certainly no happy look on her face right there...

Vein: You got a look at her face?

Koharu: I thought I did, at least. I wonder if we'll bump into her again at the meeting. Speaking of which... we should head back and tell Diavel that we activated this.

Vein: Why don't we try using the Teleport Monument. It does have Central Tolbana in it. Plus you'll get to finally teleport to another location. What do you say?

Koharu: No hurt in trying... Okay then!

Vein: You go first.

Koharu: Okay... Central Tolbana here I come!

Vein: See you on the other side Koharu.

(Light starts to appear around Koharu)

Koharu: WOA-

Vein: Looks like it's my turn.

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