Floor 3: The Misty Woods

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Kirito and the others enter Floor 3

Kirito: Floor 3 is supposed to be Forest themed. So, as you can see it's lusciously green and... Well, there are monster trees out there.

Koharu: You don't think the trees in the forest just suddenly spring to life, do you...?

Kirito: Normal trees won't just suddenly turn into monsters, but there are monsters that pretend to be trees. If you aren't careful they'll get you when you get close.

Asuna: What a wonderful surprise. Anyway, shouldn't we send word to Argo?

Kirito: I was about to do that.

Kirito sends a message to Argo

Kirito: Aaand sent. Now Argo should be able to get this info out to all the other players. Okay, so this area here is called Forest of Wavering Mists, and just like the name suggests, the place is thick with fog to get lost in. Once the heavy fog rolls in, you'll lose all sense of direction, and it will jam all communications.

Koharu: By the way, have you guys seen Vein anywhere?

Asuna: No I haven't. Hey Kirito, wasn't Vein with you when we were walking out from Floor 2.

Kirito: Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him after we got out.

Koharu: Vein, where are you!

Asuna: I found him. His standing behind the Teleport Gate.

Koharu: Umm... Vein, what are you doing?

Vein: Ahhh!!! Koharu don't scare me like that!

Asuna: Why are you standing behind the Teleport Gate? Or rather, it looks like your hiding.

Vein: Hiding me, nooo.... I was just... uhh... umm...

Koharu: Your scared aren't you?

Vein: Me scared, why would I be scared? There's no reason for me to be sca-

Kirito: Boo!!!

Vein: Ahhh!!! Stop that!!

Kirito: Haha, sorry sorry. Is just that a few minutes ago you were so excited about coming to this floor. And now your so scare that your hiding behind the Teleport Gate.

Vein: That was until I remember the monster on this floor!

Asuna: So your scare of the tree monsters?

Vein: No! I'm not scare of some stupid tree monsters, is the human size sp-

Suddenly a heavy fog rolls in

Koharu: Huh? I-Is this the fog you were talking about?! I can't see a thing...

Asuna: Aaah! Just where do you think you're putting those hands?!

Kirito: I didn't even do anything...!

Asuna: No one even said it was you, Kirito. Looks like it was just this stick anyway. This... moving stick...

Kirito: Whoa! It's a Treant! A monster! 

Asuna: Jeez, this is all so confusing!

Koharu: Asuna, what happened? Are you okay?!

Kirito: Hey, don't head in too deep... The fog... It...

The fog than clears out

Koharu: Well, the fog has cleared out at least, but... Looks like we've lost Asuna and the gang.

Vein: Oh man that fog almost gave me a heart attack since we couldn't see anything in it.

Koharu: I just hope Kirito and Asuna are okay.

???: Oh, Ki-boy there should be fine. The monsters 'round here don't seem much stronger than those back on Floor 2.

Vein: AHHHHH!!!

Koharu: It doesn't even surprise me anymore when you show up out of nowhere, Argo. Not one bit!

Argo: Well that's unfortunate. I tried so hard to sneak up on you, too. But at least I got Vein.

Vein: Not funny Argo! 

Argo: What's up if him? I didn't expect him to have that huge of a reaction. 

Koharu: Oh, Vein is just afraid of one of the monsters on this floor. His been hiding behind the Teleport Gate ever since we enter this floor.

Argo: I see.

Vein: You don't need to tell her that, Koharu. Beside, now we know you were doing it on purpose. 

Argo: Because you always had the best reactions! Like just now. Anywho, you guys are split up now, yes? Well how about I tell you about a nice little quest?

Vein: Let me guess, someone's lost?

Argo: Nope, it's a story quest that continues on up to the next Floor. Ki-boy and team will surely give the same quest a try. You'll probably run into them on the way. As long as you keep me up to date on everything you find while you're out there, this one's on the house.

Koharu: What kind of quest is it?

Argo: First you gotta head straight north through the W. Mists Entrance here, and you'll come across two elves fighting. What you need to do is help one of them out.

Vein: So it's the Elf War Campaign Quest.

Argo: Bingo! Your right. The elves here in SAO are your generic sort, a beautiful race with pointy ears.

Koharu: Seems odd that two NPCs would be fighting with each other. We haven't seen anything like that up to this point.

Argo: Well, if you want to talk semantics, they're more like monsters. Did Ki-boy tell you? From this floor on there are human enemies.

Koharu: So they're monsters, but they're NPCs? And they're enemies...? Gah, this is going to be confusing.

Vein: The story is easy to follow, at least. There are two different races of elves, and they're both fighting over a particular item.

Argo: Players pick a side to support, and help see the battle through to the end. And like what Vein said this quest is call the Elf War Campaign Quest.

Koharu: So there are good elves and bad elves fighting each other?

Argo: Both races have their own legitimacies. It's not really about good and bad. They each just don't like the other. From the player perspective, they're both pretty much the same. Just pick whichever side you like. That's all I've got to tell you, though. You'll find out the rest as you go!

Koharu: Seeing is believing, or so they say. Guess we'll get started, then.

Argo: Ah, but just one caution. The elf fights are all event battles, no need to get in over your heads. Once you've made some progress let me know. I'll be investigating around this area. See ya!

Koharu: An Elf War in the fog... Sounds scary, but it's like something out of a fairy tale. I guess if Argo suggested it, it shouldn't be too dangerous or anything. Let's go check it out.

Vein: S-Sure, l-let's go...

Koharu: Your still scare?

Vein: Of course I am! Those things could spawn at anyway at anytime!

Koharu: You don't need to worry Vein I'm here. If "those thing" spawn than I'll handle it. So you don't need to be scare anymore.

Vein: Koharu... Y-Yeah your right. If I keep being like this than we'll never clear this floor.

Vein than slap his face 

Vein: All right, I'm all better now. Now let's go clear this quest!

Koharu: Now that's the Vein I know.

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