Talking about normal things

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(Koharu and I fought side by side, clearing all sorts of quests. And slowly, we grew stronger.)

One month later


Vein: Don't worry I'll get you down! After I... figure out how to cut it's arm that is...

Koharu: How can the NPC call this a "Little Nepenthes" when it's clearing ginormous.

Vein: Well it's a boss after all. Even though I have to admit the name "little" really doesn't match it's size.

Koharu: Can you hurry up Vein I'm starting to feel dizzy.

Vein: Looks like I have no other choice left. Quick change! Now than all I have to is aim at its a- WOAH!

(The Little Nepenthes starts swinging it's arm at Vein)

Vein: WOAH! That was a close one. Dang it by using the bow I limited my maneuvering since I have to aim. Just wait a little longer Koharu. All I need is one shot.

(Vein starts running around in a circle and preparing to shot the Little Nepenthes arm)

Vein: Come on! And... 

(Vein shots the arrow and it pierce through the Little Nepenthes arm)

Koharu: Ahhh! Ouch...

Vein: Bullseye! Huh what's this bow skill? Well might as well try it now.

(The Little Nepenthes use it's other arm and smashes the ground where Vein is at)

Vein: Another close one! Huh...

(The Little Nepenthes attacks again but Vein doesn't have enough time to dodge)

Vein: Come on new bow skill please pierce through the arm!

(Vein uses the new bow skill and a powerful arrow was shot from it)

Vein: It work it pierce it's arm. Koharu now's your chance.

Koharu: Take this! Hyah! 

(Vein dashes backward and checks the new bow skill)

Koharu: Really Vein this is no time to check your stu- Woah!

Vein: Hmm... A chargeable attack with wind element. Okay Koharu distract it a few seconds!

Koharu: On it!

(Vein charges the attack and aim at the head of the Little Nepenthes)

Vein: Koharu SWITCH!

Koharu: Okay!

Vein: HYAH!!!

(Vein shots the charge up attack at the Little Nepenthes instantly killing it)

Koharu: Well done Vein. Hey since when did you have that skill.

Vein: Probably from leveling up my bows weapon proficiency. The higher the weapon proficiency level the better skills we get. Anyway why don't we go back to town and claim the reward.

Koharu: Okay.

At Town of Beginning

Vein: And claim. Oh hey I level up! I'm finally level 14.

Koharu: Congrats on becoming level 14!

Vein: Your just lucky I gave you to fight the monsters solo or I would have been level 14 a lot earlier.

Koharu: And I really appreciate it Vein.

Vein: Man another tiring day! 

Koharu: Oh come on it's only been two quest.

Vein: Yeah but one required us to keep going from one Plain to another while the other one required us to fight a mini boss. It's still hard to believe that it's already been a month, time sure flies fast. Anyway how about lunch?

Koharu: Even after a whole month I still can't accept this kind of system. Like really why do we even get hungry in VR?!

???: Hehehe... Sorry for laughing. You two are just so lively, I'm Sachi.

Koharu: That was probably pretty loud, huh...

Sachi: Not at all. It's just nice hearing about people talking about normal things besides monsters and quests.

Koharu: So uhm... Are you a solo player?

Sachi: Oh no, I'm in a guild with friends from high school. We're all just split up at the moment. Do you have time to chat? You two are kind of the talk of the group lately.

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