A promise meeting

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Vein: First of do you know how to dash.

Koharu: Uhhh...

Vein: I figure ok we'll start with how to use dash.It's simple all you need to do is press your feet on the ground and then push yourself forward like this.

Koharu: Got it just press my feet on the ground and...

(Koharu manage to dash but lost her footing and fell down)

Koharu: Ouch that hurt.

Vein: Don't worry when I first try it I fell to.Longest you keep practicing you'll get better at it.Remember dash is an important skill it can help you dodge incoming attacks if time right.Also one more thing you can also dash backwards or sideways.

Koharu: I never knew just learning a dash skill will be this hard.

Vein: Don't worry it's really easy to learn it'll only take you around 5-10 minute to master it.

30 minutes later

Koharu: Look Vein I'm actually doing it.

Vein: I did not expected her to take 30 minutes to learn a simple dash skill but at least she master it.

Koharu: This is a lot more fun than I expected,thanks Vein.

Vein: Don't thank me yet remember that's just a dash skill you still need to learn how to attack.For starters what weapon do you use?

Koharu: Oh I use a rapier.

Vein: A rapier huh I'm not really an expert about rapier but I'll try my best.

(Vein then looks around and see a monster)

Vein: Perfect a monster ok Koharu first of you need to know about the monster before you fight it.

Koharu: And how can I do that?

Vein: Easy you just walk to the monster and it will instantly show you its name,health bar and what it's weak to.For example this boar is weak to slash and fire so it's best to use a weapon with slash like a sword but that doesn't mean you must use a sword to fight it.You can still use a rapier it just does less damage to it.

Koharu: Oh so that's how it works.

Vein: Now you know the monster go ahead and pierce it.

Koharu: Pierce it?

Vein: Yeah since you use a rapier you have to pierce it or what the game calls it thrust in order to hit any monsters.

Koharu: I get it now so all I need to do is pierce it.Here goes nothing HIYA!

(After piercing the monster multiple time Koharu manage to kill it)

Koharu: Wow...oh wow!I did it I've never been able to fight like that before!That was great.Thank you Vein!Truly...thank you.Hey Vein,if you wouldn't mind,do you think we could be friend?

Vein: Be friends uhh... sure why not.

(Suddenly monsters started spawning around Vein and Koharu)

Koharu: Huh?! That a different monster than before... is this... we're surrounded!What should we do? At this rate we're gonna...

Vein: Crap don't worry Koharu I'll take care of them.With my level this monsters won't be a problem to me.

(Vein dash towards the monsters)

Vein: Hiya! Take this and this.

(Vein quickly took out the monsters one by one while also doing some impressive dodge using the dash skill)

Koharu: (Thinking) wow his really strong and skill. I didn't know the dash skill can let you perform maneuvers like that.

Vein: Told you this things won't be a prob-

(Vein turns around and saw a monster standing behind Koharu about to attack)

Vein: KOHARU watch out behind you!

Koharu: Huh?

(Suddenly someone jumps in and slices the monster)

???: You okay?

Koharu: I'm now thanks to you.

Vein: Koharu so glad your safe.

???: High level mobs spawn here at set times. If you're trying to grind, you should probably find a place more suited to your level.

Koharu: Still thank you very much for saving me.

???: Don't mention it. I was just passing through is all.Now then...

(The man walks away)

Koharu: Wait please! At least tell us your name!

???: Huh?

Koharu: I'm Koharu and this is Vein.

Vein: Hi.

???: Never thought I'd hear someone say that in real life... Though I guess this is just VR, huh. Ah whatever. I'm Kirito Good meeting ya.

Koharu: Kirito, thank you!

Kirito: You're welcome. Enjoy your last day then.

(Kirito then walks away)

Koharu: That guy was super strong and super cool, huh? If I just tried a little harder, do you think I might turn out like that, too?

Vein: Of course.

Koharu: Yeah huh? Everyone has to start somewhere, right? I'll give it another go once the full game is out! So I hope that you'll join me again, Vein! I wanna show you how much stronger I'll get.

Vein: Sure let's meet again.

Koharu: Really you promise.

Vein: I promise.

Koharu: Heh! Should be fun!

(The bell then rang announcing the end of the beta)

Announcement: Thank you for joining us for the beta test of Sword Art Online. 5PM today marks the end of our beta test period. At the end of this beta test all player data will be reset.We look forward to having you all join us again for the full release.

Koharu: Time's up already huh. I'm glad I got to meet you before it ended, Vein. I'll see you when the game is release.Bye!

Vein: Yeah I'll see you too.

Back in the real world

Vein: Koharu huh. We'll definitely meet again.

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