After the battle 3

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Vein: Well done Koharu, you were awesome out there. You literally show the boss who's boss.

Koharu: Well I didn't do it alone, Plus Kirito, Asuna and you did most of the work. 

Vein: That doesn't stop the fact that you were one of the three people who last hit the boss. That's a very huge improvement for you Koharu.

Koharu: Thanks, and I'll try to do more in the next boss fight.

Vein: Is okay, you don't need to push yourself. What you do is already enough.

Koharu: Even still, I don't want to be left behind by everyone.

Vein: Don't think like that, remember ALS and DKB consider you one of the few heavy hitters in the group. That alone shows that you are already way ahead of a lot of people.

Koharu: It is thanks to you that I was able to even pull that off. So thanks for everything Vein.

Vein: *Gives Koharu a thumb up* No problem.

Kirito: Nice work out there you two. Also thanks for the extra hand Koharu.

Koharu: It's the least I can do.

Asuna: Nice work to Vein, aiming for the face so that Nerius can bend over and let us able to reach it's neck.

Vein: Actually, I was originally aiming for the leg. But hey all's well that ends well.

Asuna: So Kirito, Vein, what exactly was different from the beta?

Kirito: Its poison attack was an area attack. Those antidotes really made all the difference, I think.

Vein: Plus, it's size was increase like around three times it's original size.

Kibaou: Hey, kid... I mean... Kirito... my man.

Asuna: "MY MAN"...?!

Kibaou: You did us good out there. You know... it don't hurt to have someone like you on the front line. At least, I guess I kinda think so. That's all. Later then.

Kirito: You can just call me Kirito, you know. Well, that's done with, then.

Vein: Look at Kibaou, getting all buddy buddy... 

Kirito: Buddy buddy?! N-No way, I bet... Next time we run into him it'll be the same old.

Koharu: Heh, there's no way you can battle together like this and not get at least a bit friendlier. I'm sure of it. If only ALS and DKB would just keep working together like this.

Asuna: That might be harder than sorting out a truce between the Dark Elves and the Forest Elves. 

Koharu: Speaking of elves... Have you met a player named Kazuto?

Kirito: Ka... I mean, nope...

Asuna: You were about to say something, weren't you?

Kirito: Nope. What's up with this player, though?

Koharu: While we were apart, we met someone in the woods who was searching for him. Their brother.

Asuna: You really think family can get separated like that even in this game world?

Kirito: If they don't have any way to message each other, yeah. You can't use the Tracking skill if you aren't friends in-game, either. I hope that girl finds her brother, though...

Vein: Wait, who said it was a "she"?

Kirito: Oh, my mistake.

Koharu: No, you're right, though. It was a girl with blonde hair in a ponytail, green eyes, looked like a fairly or something. I wonder if her brother has blond hair, too.

Kirito: Well, I mean, people can customize their hair and eye color, so that doesn't really help all that much.

Asuna: Hey, you never know. They could be just like Agil and look the same. Oh, but hey. If you're looking for someone, why not ask Argo?

Koharu: She already has. If Argo can't find him, where do you think he could be...?

Kirito: Oh, right... Shoot... I promised Argo I'd get her the boss info and all the intel on the elf quest too...

Koharu: Oh! So did we! She wanted to know what was different from the beta, and wanted us to message her right away.

Asuna: Let's hurry to Floor 4, then. What's it like up there?

Kirito: It's covered in a net of barren, sandy valleys. A real pain to traverse.

Vein: Yeah, I know the feeling. 

Kirito: There's also this awful in-depth sense module that makes it so you really fell your feet sinking into the sand.

Koharu: Sounds pretty different from everything we've seen so far, though. It's kind of exciting.

Asuna: Yeah. I can't wait to see it.

Kirito: Let's head out, then. Vein, Koharu, we'll see you up on Floor 4.

Koharu: Floor 4... Kizmel is waiting for us up there, huh. 

Vein: Let's go see them.

Koharu: Yeah! Let's make sure we go together...

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