Where's the logout button?

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Vein: It's already been a month since I last use the dash skill hope I didn't get too rusty. Hmm... two boars, with the position their in a S maneuver might work! Hopefully. Here I go!

(Vein dashes toward the boars slicing one horizontally in half and proceed to move in a S like movement)

Vein: Checkmate boar!

(Vein sword slashes the boar but didn't manage to kill it)

Vein: What the...

(The boar than readies for an attack)

Vein: Tsk...

(Vein quickly dashes sideways spinning in a 180 degree,stop and slashes down cutting the boar head off)

Vein: Looks like I did became rusty, I didn't move in close enough for my sword to fully cut through the boar.

Kirito: That was some nice movement you did with the dash skill, I'm really amazed!

Vein: Thanks I've been practicing it since the very first day I started playing SAO.

Kirito: So it only took you one month! That's even more impressive!

Vein: Yeah but I became rusty after not playing for a month.

Kirito: Don't worry since the game is fully out now you can just train yourself to be even better!

Klein: All right! I don't wanna fall behind here especially after seeing Vein pulling those awesome dash moves! Time to train like I've never trained before! Or at least, I wish I could, but... A man gotta eat, right? I already ordered myself a pizza. Alrighty, I'm gonna take off here. You're the best Kirito! You guys too! Catch ya guys later!

Kirito: See you around.

Koharu: Oh yes! Do join us again!

Vein: Bye!

(Klein opens up the menu to find the logout button but seem to can't find it)

Klein: Huh...? The heck? Where's the logout button anyway?

Kirito: What do you mean where's the logout button.

Koharu: Hmm... Oh, looks like there isn't one on my menu either.

Vein: I don't have it too!

Klein: Ah well, the game just started up today, I guess. I suppose there'll be some bugs. I bet the devs are having a fit.

Vein: Still a bug without a logout button?

Kirito: Are you really okay with this? Don't you have a pizza waiting for you?

Koharu: It's gonna get cold, you know!

Klein: Shoot! You're right! Jeez, cold pizza is worse than a cup fulla melted ice cream...

Koharu: Is the menu the only way to logout? Is there really no other way?

Kirito: There wasn't even anything about that kind of urgent disconnect in the game manual.

Klein: So that means I either have to wait for someone to fix this bug, or wait for someone to pull this gear off my head, is that what you're saying?

Vein: Most likely.

Kirito: This isn't some normal bug. An unexitable game is a huge problem for the dev team and this game. Yet there still haven't been any announcements or any emergency measures put in place... Something's not right.

Koharu: Maybe they're just flooded with so many requests that they can't keep up?

Kirito: If that was the case, they would have just boot everyone from the game until it was fixed. What's going on here...?

(Suddenly everyone heard a large bell rang)

Vein: The bell rang! That means...

Klein: Bwha?!

Kirito: What the?!

Koharu: Aaaah!

Vein: Koharu, Klein, Kirito?! Huh?!

(A bright light suddenly appear and next thing Vein knew he was already at the Teleport Gate plaza)

Klein: isn't this the Teleport Gate plaza? Look at all these people! Sheesh. This looks like every single player in the game! Huh?

(The sky suddenly turn red and a man appear)

???: Dearest player, welcome to my world. I am Kayaba Akihiko, now the sole person who holds control over this world.

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