The labyrinth

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In the inn

Vein: Ma'am do you have any open rooms left?

Worker: Yes we do.

Vein: Thank god. We'll take two room.

Worker: Sorry sir we only have one room left.

Vein: One room... Then why didn't you say so early!

Worker: Because you never ask sir.

Vein: ... *sigh* I forgot their just NPC. They can only do so much.

Koharu: So what now?

Vein: Well you take the room Koharu.

Koharu: Then where will you stay?

Vein: I'll just sleep on that couch over there.

Koharu: Hmm... I know we'll just share the room.

Vein: Wait what?!

Koharu: Who knows what if the room have two beds. 

Vein: ... Fine.

Koharu: We'll take the room ma'am!

Worker: Alright. Here's your room key. Your room is no.33 just up stairs down the hallway.

Koharu: Got it. Come on Vein let's go check out our room.

(Koharu grabs Vein's arm and runs up stairs to their room)

Koharu: Room no.33... ah over there! Now just unlock the door and...

Vein: One bed... there's only one bed...

Koharu: ...

Vein: You still sure you want to share the room. Because I can sleep on the couch you know.

Koharu: No is okay. After all you need to be in top shape in order to fight the boss! We'll just sleep with open space between.

Vein: The bed isn't really that big. But I'll... try my best to make some space between us.

At night

Vein and Koharu: (Thinking)The bed is to small to make a space.

Vein: I c-can still go and sleep down stairs.

Koharu: It's o-okay.

Vein: You sure?

Koharu: Yeah! So Vein about the boss fight.

Vein: What about it?

Koharu: Even though Diavel said there's nothing to worry about, I can't stop feeling something might go wrong during the raid. Like someone might get kill or even worse...

Vein: You have nothing to worry about. If anything happens I'll protect you and even the people who are in trouble no matter what.

Koharu: Yeah, you've been protecting me since the start. Guess I might just be overthinking it. Well Night Vein.

Vein: Night Koharu. (Thinking)Hmm... I can't just brush off what Koharu said. If something does goes wrong during the raid will I be able to save everyone? No I have to at least try if it comes down to it.

(Koharu suddenly turns around and grabs Vein arm)

Vein: Huh? She already fell asleep. Must have been tired.

(Vein smiles and pats Koharu's head)

Vein: Have a goodnight rest Koharu. Well I think I should hit the hay as well.

And so the night turned day...

Koharu: ......

Vein: ... What's the matter Koharu?

(Koharu suddenly blushes)

Koharu: N-Nothing! Nothing at all! (Thinking)Can't believe I was hugging Vein's arm while sleeping.

Vein: Okay... Anyway, today finally the day. Let's show that Floor Boss what's what!

Koharu: Yeah! We can't also forget our promise to Sachi too. No getting in over our heads and getting hurt or anything got it?

Vein: You got it. 

Koharu: Huh! Look over there people are already gathering up. Let's hurry up before we get left behind!

Diavel: Thank you all for coming! We now have all the players who joined us yesterday, without a single straggler!

Kibaou: Course we're here! We believe in ya and we're ready to move out with ya!

Diavel: We will now head out straight for the Floor 1 Labyrinth. You'll all move and operate as individual parties, but go from the Teleport Monument to the labyrinth and head straight for the boss floor! Before we go, I have but one thing to say... TO VICTORY!

Fighters: YEAH!!!

Koharu: Looks like everyone's all fired up. We've gotta keep up, Vein.

At the labyrinth entrance 

Koharu: Hey Kirito! Long time no see!

Kirito: Oh, hey. I noticed you at the meeting. I was a bit surprised. I guess that means you've gotten tough enough to be on the front lines.

Koharu: Compared to you? Hardly, I bet. But...

Kirito: Maybe not. I'm stuck on support duty for the vanguard. While you and the main party fight the boss, I'm supposed to fight the Kobolds that spawn around it... I'm basically the waterboy here. 

Vein: In that chase we'll be counting on your support.

Kirito: I'll be there. I'll make sure you all are at your best for the whole battle.

Koharu: You're just the kind of support we need!

???: Hey. Everyone is already in the labyrinth. Don't you think we should get moving?

Kirito: Ah right... This is no time for chatting. Let's get moving.

Koharu: Oh, but before we go, I'm Koharu. And this here is..

???: Let's talk personal later. I'm going on ahead.

Kirito: Sorry she's not the most sociable person.

Koharu: Oh no. I really shouldn't have even been so foolish at a time like this. Plus compared to the last time we saw her, she seems a bit more at ease. You two must make a good pair, Kirito.

Kirito: We're just partied up for the time being. We hardly know each other.

Koharu: Still, seems like you're a good balance for one another.

Kirito: Nah, she'll have no need for me soon enough. She gets faster and more adept everyday. She's got a promising path ahead.

Koharu: No, no, that's not what I meant. Kirito, do you really just judge a girl by how strong of a player she is? Anyway, I'm gonna head on ahead!

Kirito: Now that's a bit unfair, don't you think? 

Vein: Girls am I right?

Kirito: Hahaha, yeah. Anyway guess we also better hurry up or else we really will get left behind. Remember to stay alert of monsters. I'll see you at the top, then.

Vein: *sigh* here goes, all or nothing!

(Vein then enters the labyrinth)

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